Bird abundance data for the period 2002-2014 from the French Breeding Bird Survey (STOC)
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Abundance data on breeding birds from the French Breeding Bird Survey (Suivi Temporel des Oiseaux Communs, STOC), for the period 2002-2014.
The dataset comprises 7,115 bird communities. Only 107 common species were included in the study.
This dataset was supplied by the French breeding bird monitoring programme, in which ornithologists identify breeding birds by song or visual contact following a standardized monitoring protocol. Each spring. Briefly, a 2 × 2 km plot consisting of 10-point counts -separated by at least 300 m- is randomly assigned to each volunteer. Volunteers record year after year all birds seen or heard in each of the ten sites during a 5-min period. Point counts are visited at dawn twice within three weeks around mid-May to ensure the detection of both early- and late-breeders. The maximum value of the two censuses is retained for each species as yearly abundance index.