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Simulation trajectories from ab-initio molecular dynamics of 4x4x4 super cell of Li3OCl with 4 Li concentrations

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Sep 01, 2021 version files 11.97 GB

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Lithium-rich oxychloride antiperovskites are promising solid electrolytes for enabling next-generation batteries. Here, we report a comprehensive study varying Li+ concentrations in Li3OCl using ab-initio molecular dynamics simulations. The simulations accurately capture the complex interactions between Li+ vacancies (V'Li), the dominant mobile species in Li3OCl. The V'Li polarize and distort the host lattice, inducing additional non-vacancy mediated diffusion mechanisms and correlated diffusion events that reduce the activation energy barrier at concentrations as low as 1.5% V'Li. Our analyses of discretized diffusion events Li in both space and time illustrate the critical interplay between correlated dynamics, polarization, and local distortion in promoting ionic conductivity in Li3OCl.