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Vocal dimorphism in Anna’s Hummingbirds

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Glassman, Sierra; Domer, Adi; Dudley, Robert (2024). Vocal dimorphism in Anna’s Hummingbirds [Dataset]. Dryad.


Sexual dimorphism in vocal signals is found across many bird species. By evaluating correlations among sex, behaviors, and vocalizations, the meaning and utility of sound production may be inferred. Anna's Hummingbirds (Calypte anna) exhibit pronounced sexual dimorphism, with males being larger and having more vibrant coloration than females, but vocal dimorphism in the species is less studied. A common vocalization of Anna's Hummingbirds is the chip note, which is produced by both sexes in a wide array of contexts. Here, we correlated temporal parameters of recorded chip notes with individual sex and behavioral contexts gathered from field observations. The production rate of chip notes differed significantly between male and female hummingbirds but did not vary much with behavioral context. Although Anna’s Hummingbirds produce chips across a broad spectrum of behaviors, dimorphic chip production may be especially important in territorial behavior.

README: Vocal dimorphism in Anna’s Hummingbirds

Here, we provide the spreadsheet we used in our GLMM analysis as well as the file containing all data we extracted from analyzed audio files.

Chip_Data.csv was used in our GLMM analysis. It contains the mean interval from each file, the site the recording was collected from, and behavioral information.

  • File: names of recordings we extracted intervals from.
  • Mean Interval: mean interval from file, excluding intervals within the highest 5% of all measured interval values.
  • Location: initials representing the sampled site of files. BC = UC Berkeley campus, BA = UC Botanical Garden, SC = UC Santa Cruz Arboretum & Botanic Garden.
  • Species: species of hummingbird interacting with focal chipping birds. Anna's = Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna), Allen's = Allen's Hummingbird (Selasphorus sasin).
  • Sex: sex of recorded hummingbirds (Female, Male, or Unknown).
  • Eating: type of feeding behavior exhibited by recorded hummingbirds (Eating or Not Eating).
  • Territorial: type of territorial behavior exhibited by recorded hummingbirds (Chasing, Confronting, DAT = During or After Territorial Announcement, None, or Unknown).
  • Mobility: type of mobility behavior exhibited by recorded hummingbirds (Flying, Perching, or Perching & Flying)

Full_Chip_Intervals.csv includes all intervals between chip notes from the files we analyzed

  • File: the name of the recording we extracted intervals from.
  • Interval: intervals extracted from each file using the Interactive Detector in Raven Pro 1.6 and manual selection.


University of California, Berkeley, Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program