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Hydraulic model (HEC-RAS) of downstream of Tuttle Creek Reservoir at the confluence of the Big Blue River and the Kansas River near Manhattan, KS


A 2D Hydraulic model (HEC-RAS) for below Tuttle Creek Reservoir at the confluence of the Kansas River and the Big Blue River near Manhattan, KS is presented. Model geometry is based on United States Geological Survey (USGS) 3DEP data (2015), with underwater bathymetry “burned” in using cross-sections sampled in the field in April of 2023. The model was calibrated based on water surface measured during data collection. The hydraulic simulations correspond to streamflows during which fish monitoring data were collected by researchers at Kansas State University (L. Rowley and K. Gido, to be published). Results from the hydraulic model, coupled with a sediment transport model, will be used to study fish and macroinvertabrate ecological response to streamflow.