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Late term fetus caudal luring behavior in a pitviper

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Apr 18, 2022 version files 3.44 KB


With the advent of powerful imaging tools, the prenatal behavior of vertebrates is far more complex than previously believed, especially concerning humans, other mammals, and birds. Surprisingly, the fetal behavior of squamate reptiles (lizards, snakes, and amphisbaenians), a group of over 11,000 extant species, are largely understudied. Using ultrasonography, 18 late-term pregnant copperhead snakes (Agkistrodon contortrix) from a single population were inspected for fecundity (number of fetuses). Unexpectedly, during the ultrasound procedure that involved 97 fetuses, we observed sinusoidal tail movements in 11 individuals from eight different copperhead mothers. These movements were indistinguishable from caudal luring, a mimetic ambush predatory strategy which is exhibited by newborn copperheads and other snakes. Caudal luring is initiated shortly after birth and is employed to attract susceptible vertebrate prey. Using the same ultrasound equipment and methods, we tested for this behavior in two species of rattlesnakes (genus Crotalus) not known to caudal lure and none of the late-term fetuses showed any type of tail movements. Prenatal movements in humans and other vertebrates are known to be important for musculoskeletal and sensorimotor development. The fetal behaviors we describe for copperheads, and possibly other snakes, may be similarly important and influence early survival and subsequent fitness.