Novelties in Phyllanthus sect. Phyllanthus subsect. Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae): Two new species, two new synonyms, and a lectotype
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An ongoing taxonomic work on Phyllanthus subsect. Phyllanthus, resulting from the analysis of protologues and the study of approximately 2000 collections, including all types, historical collections, and observations in the field, led us to describe two new species (P. lobatus and P. platystigma), and to propose the synonymization of P. mimicus and P. bolivianus under P. niruri, as well as establish a lectotype for P. bolivianus. For both new species, we provide, descriptions, illustrations, preliminary conservation status, flowering and fruiting periods, environmental preferences and images in their habitat. In addition, they are compared with morphologically similar congeners and their systematic position is discussed.
README: Novelties in Phyllanthus sect. Phyllanthus subsect. Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae): Two new species, two new synonyms, and a lectotype
Description of the data and file structure
The xlsx file contains a list of examined material from Phylllanthus lobatus, P. platystigma and P. niruri, which supported the decisions made in the article.
The list of materials contains information about: country, stateprovince, institutioncode, collectioncode, family, scientificname, scientificnameauthor, yearcollected, monthcollected, daycollected, collector, collectornumber, city/municipality and locality.
The lines that contain missing information are from specimens/exsiccates that did not have this information on the labels.
This work was based on the analysis of approximately 2000 specimens from 55 herbaria (AJU, ASE, ALCB, B, BM, BHCB, CAS, CEPEC, CESJ, CEN, CSTR, EAC, EAN, ESA, F, FURB, FLOR, G, GH, HURB, HUESB, HUEFS, HUFU, HRB, HST, HVASF, IBGE, ICN, INPA, IPA, JBP, K, L, MAC, MBM, MBML, MO, NY, P, PACA, PEUFR, RB, RN, S, SP, SPF, UFG, UB, US, UEC, UFRN, UFP, VIES, TEPB, W) (acronyms follow Thiers 2023), together with field collections for population observation. The new species were described based on collections deposited in BHCB, FURB, SP and UFG. Morphological terms used in their descriptions follow Webster (2002), Silva and Sales (2007) Torres et al. (2022), complemented by Radford et al. (1974). Information about geographic distribution, flowering and fruiting times were compiled from labels of the specimens kept in the mentioned herbaria. Maps illustrating the geographic distribution of the species were generated using QGIS software version 2.18.17 ‘Las Palmas’ (QGIS 2015). Estimation of Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) were performed using Geocat ( following Bachman et al. (2011). Such information served as a basis for determining the conservation status, inferred through the categories and criteria of the World Conservation Union Red List (IUCN 2019). Taxonomic and nomenclatural decisions were based on the study of classic literature on the group (e.g., Webster 1955, 1956, Pax & Hoffmann 1921) supported by recommendations of Turland et al. (2018).