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Data from: REM sleep stabilizes hypothalamic representation of feeding behavior

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Oesch, Lukas T. et al. (2020). Data from: REM sleep stabilizes hypothalamic representation of feeding behavior [Dataset]. Dryad.


During rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, behavioral unresponsiveness contrasts strongly with intense brain-wide neural network dynamics. Yet, the physiological functions of this cellular activation remain unclear. Using in vivo calcium imaging in freely behaving mice, we found that inhibitory neurons in the lateral hypothalamus (LHvgat) show unique activity patterns during feeding that are reactivated during REM, but not NREM, sleep. REM sleep specific optogenetic silencing of LHvgat cells induced a re-organization of these activity patterns during subsequent feeding behaviors accompanied by decreased food intake. Our findings provide evidence for a role for REM sleep in the maintenance of cellular representations of feeding behavior.


The data provided here were collected from in vivo calcium imaging of vesicular GABA and glycine-expressing neurons in the lateral hypothalamus (LHvgat) of freely moving mice. The mice were either exploring an open field arena and feeding or sleeping in their home cages. The raw data were obtained as movies of cellular activity, which were then processed to extract activity time series for individual detected cells. The dataset additionally features the video tracking of the animals during the open field exploration and the respective behavioral scoring as well as EEG and EMG data and sleep scoring.

Usage notes

All the data are provided as .mat files and explanation to the individual variables can be found in READ_ME.txt. Analysis functions and scripts are enclosed in a sub-folder next to the data. There is a master analysis script (AnalysisTemplate.m) that explains the analyses and calls the different functions.


International Human Frontier Science Program Organization, Award: RGY0076/2012

University Hospital of Bern

Swiss National Science Foundation

European Research Council, Award: CoG-725850

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Award: GA 2410/1-1

University of Bern

University Hospital of Bern