Pollen morphology of Astragalus Sect. Eustales in Turkey
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This dataset contains data from pollen morphology of Astragalus Sect. Eustales in Turkey described in the paper: “ KARAMAN ERKUL S, DUMAN H, ATEŞ A. (2021). Morphological and molecular evidence for a new species Astragalus oksutdagensis (Fabaceae) from Turkey, Nordic Journal of Botany, 10.1111/njb.03237.
Pollen grains trizonocolporate, radially symmetrical and isopolar at Astragalus oksutdagensis, A. flavescens and A. vestitus (A. sect. Eustales). The pollen shape of A. oksutdagensis is subprolate (ratio P/E 1.23±0.06), polar view (P) 33,25±1,95 µm, equatorial view (E) 27.11±1.33 µm. Amb circular, ornamentation psilate-perforate at polar region, reticulate-perforate at equatorial region. Colpus thin and tall (Clg 23.72±1.34 µm, Clt 4.52±0.6 µm), operculate, operculum membrane has granulate ornamentation. Pore suboblate, Plg 8.49±0.96 µm, Plt 9.84±0.85µm. Apocolpium 12.69±2.24 µm and mezocolpium 19.58±1.62 µm.The pollen shape of A. vestitus is prolate-spheroidal (1.13±0.05), P 31.1±2.72 µm, E 27.56±1.46 µm. Amb semitriangular, ornamentation perforate. Colpus thin and tall (Clg 24.76±2.85 µm, Clt 5.42±1.5 µm), operculate, operculum membrane has granulate ornamentation. Pore spheroidal, Plg 9.41±1.48 µm, Plt 9.29±1.18 µm. Apocolpium 11.56±1.35 µm and mezocolpium 19.16±0.9 µm. Pollen shape of A. flavescens is subprolate (1.32±0.06), P 36.6±1.56 µm, E 27.83±1.17 µm. Amb semitriangular, ornamentation microreticulate. Colpus thin and tall (Clg 28.12±1.45 µm, Clt 4.13±0.78 µm), operculate, operculum membrane has granulate ornamentation. Pore suboblate, Plg 7.9±0.83 µm, Plt 10.09±0.83 µm. Apocolpium 14.43±0.84 µm and mezocolpium 20.82±0.93 µm.
The pollen and leaflet material of A. vestitus (10226) and A. flavescens (6455) were taken from GAZI herbarium. Pollen morphology was investigated with light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Pollen slides were prepared using the Wodehouse (1935) technique for LM. The following characters of at least 30 pollen grains were measured and analysed with a Leica DM 500 digital imaging system LM. For the preparation of SEM pictures, dried pollen grains, leaflets (upper and inner sides) and seeds were transferred on aluminium stubs using double-sided adhesive tape, and coated with gold particles in a sputter-coater (Ceter et al. 2013). Morphological observations were made in a Jeol JSM 6490LV SEM at Kastamonu University SEM Laboratory. Terminology was adopted from Faegri and Iversen (1992), Salgado-Labouriau (1982), Punt et al. (2007), Punt and Hoen (2009), Hesse et al. (2009), Ceter et al. (2013), Halbritter et al. (2018) and shape classification follows that of Erdtman (1969) based on P/E ratio.
Usage notes
The readme file contains an explanation of each of the variables in the dataset, its measurement units . #N/A = values not available. Information on how the measurements were done can be found in the associated manuscript referenced above.