Numerical investigation for hazardous gas cloud form and dissipation behavior of hydrogen blended natural gas in a confined space
Data files
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The safety of Hydrogen blended natural gas (HBNG) in confined space is an issue, especially for ventilation process. In this study, leakage and ventilation processes of low pressure HBNG with different hydrogen blended ratio(HBR) in confined space are simulated and validated by experiment based on similarity criteria. For leakage process, the leak direction and HBR does not significantly affect gas accumulation behavior. The required time for gas cloud to fill space decreases slightly with HBR rising and they generally show linear relationship. For ventilation process, the main influences on the leakage process are the total leakage mass and the ventilation conditions. The required time for hazardous gas cloud dissipate increases with total leakage mass and decreases with HBR. For different ventilation conditions, the ranking of required time to exhaust leaked gas is low > center > high > mix. Through the analysis of pressure distribution, it is found time difference is produced by different airflow patterns. With the asymmetric layout, outside air rushes into the confined space from the high side and then flows out from the low side carrying the leaked HBNG. These findings inform the design of ventilation for HBNG utilization scenarios like restaurant facing the street.
README: Numerical investigation for hazardous gas cloud form and dissipation behavior of hydrogen blended natural gas in a confined space
Description of the data and file structure
1 The uploaded data are labeled at the file corresponding to the location in the manuscript.
2 Note that some of the data is on the second and third pages of the xls file
3 For units of data, please refer to the notation in the manuscript
Files and variables
File: fig6.xlsx
Description: Comparison of numerical simulation and experiment results. The first column is the leakage time. The second column is the experiment value and the third column is the silumation value.
- Leakage time-VOL%
File: fig7.xlsx
Description: CH4 volume fraction variation at monitoring point. The first column is the leakage time. The number in the first row refers to the number of grid cells.
- Leakage time-VOL%
File: fig9.xlsx
Description: Hazardous gas cloud volume variation under different leakage degree. The first column is the leakage time.
- Leakage time-gas cloud volume
File: fig11.xlsx
Description: Required time variation under different leakage degree and leakage diameter.
- Leakage degree-required time
File: fig12.xlsx
Description: Velocity distribution in Y direction. The first column is the height in Y direction. The second column is the velocity value.
- Height-Velocity
File: fig14.xlsx
Description: Required time to reach 150 m3
- HBR-required time
File: fig17.xlsx
Description: HBNG volume fraction variation on monitor points
- Leakage time-Volume fraction
File: fig18.xlsx
Description: Uniformity index variation from 1680 s to 1920 s. The difinition of uniformity index is shown in the paper (eq:3.2).
- Leakage time-Uniformity index
File: fig21.xlsx
Description: Required time for different total leakage mass
- Layout-required time
File: fig22-1.xlsx
Description: Hazardous gas volume variation under different ventilation conditions (Part 1)
- Leakage time-gas cloud volume
File: fig23.a.xlsx
Description: Required time variation under different conditions
- Layout-required time
File: fig22-2.xlsx
Description: Hazardous gas volume variation under different ventilation conditions (Part 2)
- Leakage time-gas cloud volume
File: fig23.b.xlsx
Description: Required time variation under different conditions
- HBR-required time
File: fig26.xlsx
Description: Mass flow constitutions under different ventilation conditions
- Mass flowrate-ventilation condition
File: fig20.xlsx
Description: Hazardous gas cloud volume variation under different total leakage mass
- Ventilation time-gas cloud volume
File: fig13.xlsx
Description: Hazardous gas cloud volume variation under HBRs
- Leakage time-gas cloud volume
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This study was done using CFD software called fluent. All data were obtained from post-processing of the CFD simulation results. The software chosen for post-processing in this study was Tecplot. The physical variables in the study, except for the hazardous gas cloud volume, can be easily obtained under conditions of some understanding of post-processing. The hazardous gas cloud volume is the sum of the approximate grid volumes, and the method of obtaining it is explained in detail in the manuscript.