Caught in a bottleneck: Habitat loss for woolly mammoths in central North America and the ice-free corridor during the last deglaciation
Data files
Jan 20, 2021 version files 6.69 MB
6.69 MB
The dataset is to describe the habitat structure and bioenergetic characteristics of woolly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) in North America during the last deglaciation between 15 and 10 ka. The habitat structure includes fractional woody cover (FWC) and net primary productivity (NPP) for 20 plant functional types (PFTs). NPP is based on the dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS (LPJG). FWC is based on LPJ-GUESS and fossil pollen records in the Neotoma Paleoecology Database. The bioenergetic characteristics of woolly mammoths are the results of Niche Mapper, including metabolic rate, forage consumption, freshwater consumption, and other bioenergetic traits of individual woolly mammoths. These data were conducted at a temporal resolution of 100-year means of climate simulations every 1,000 years, from 15 to 10 ka. Simulations were run for all of North America except Alaska (10° – 80°N, 140° – 45°W) at a spatial resolution of 0.5°x0.5° grid latitude and longitude.
Please see the Supporting Information of the related article.
Usage notes
Please see "ReadMe.txt" in the dataset.