Performance of seven species in clustered versus uniform plantings in a large-scale high marsh restoration project
Data files
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Large-scale restoration projects are an exciting and largely untapped opportunity to use an experimental approach to inform ecosystem management and test ecological theory. This paper takes advantage of a $10M marsh restoration project with long-term monitoring to test the relative importance of facilitation and competition across stress gradients. Clustered plantings have the potential to outperform widely spaced ones, if plants alter conditions in ways that decrease stress for close neighbors. Here, we test whether intraspecific facilitation improves restoration outcomes using a suite of seven high marsh species native to central California salt marshes. We also applied a biochar treatment to test whether soil amendment boosts restoration success. We compared performance of clustered and uniform plantings across the high marsh elevation gradient for three years. There was a strong effect of elevation on plant performance and clear signs of plant stress related to soil conditions. Clustering slightly improved survival of one species out of seven, although clustering did not benefit that species in a follow-up experiment under more stressful conditions. By contrast, clustering had strong negative effects on growth and/or cover of all species tested. The stressors in this system – likely related to compaction and soil salinity – were not mitigated by neighbors or biochar. The prevailing negative effect on seven species from distinct evolutionary lineages lends strong generality to our findings. We therefore conclude that for this and similar high marsh systems, intraspecific facilitation confers no benefits and practitioners should space plants widely to minimize competition. To take full advantage of the learning opportunities provided by large-scale restoration projects, we recommend including experimental treatments and monitoring the response of multiple species across years to refine best practices and inform adaptive management.
README: Performance of seven species in clustered versus uniform plantings in a large-scale high marsh restoration project
Overview of the experimental design
In the fall of 2018 we established six blocks at the restored marsh in the high marsh elevation band (~1.95 - 2.20 m North American Vertical Datum of 1988). Each block was subdivided into 10 columns, with 2 columns allocated to each primary species (Distichlis spicata, Extriplex californica, Frankenia salina, Jaumea carnosa, and Spergularia macrotheca); one column in each pair was planted in the Uniform treatment and one in the Clustered treatment (see Appendix S1: Experimental design for more details). We also planted Limonium californicum and Triglochin concinna in “wings” on either side of each block, as transplant stock allowed; wings were installed near the top of blocks because these species tend to occur at the upper edge of the high marsh in this watershed.
We relied on two data collection strategies: surveys on transects across the full elevation gradient in planted columns, and measurement of marked plants at designated “High" elevation (~2.16 m NAVD88) and “Low" elevation (~2.0 m NAVD88) locations (Fig. 1c in main text) where biochar addition treatments were also applied. Soil cores were collected at the High elevation, Low elevation, Upland, and Lower marsh locations to assess soil moisture and soil water potential. Temperature sensors (iButtons) were also installed at High elevation to track temperatures over time in the open and under plant canopies.
Species Key
Native transplants:
D = Distichlis spicata
E = Extriplex californica
F = Frankenia salina
J = Jaumea carnosa
L = Limonium californicum
S = Spergularia macrotheca
T = Triglochin concinna
Exotic species:
See Appendix S1: Table S2 for the full list of species encountered at the restoration site.
This dataset contains the following .csv files.
Transplant survival at 9 weeks (early survival) across the elevation gradient
This file contains data on early (9 weeks after planting) survival for the five primary species (D, E, F, J, S; see species key at top of Readme). Data were collected from individuals crossed by transects in each planting treatment across elevation. See Appendix S1: Section S5.1 for more details.
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier for each pin drop (2,4,6) |
Species | categorical | Code for transplanted species: D, E, F, J, S (see species key at top of Readme) |
Pattern | categorical | Planting treatment of transplant: C (Clustered, 10 cm spacing) or U (Uniform, 50 cm spacing) |
Elevation | numeric | Transplant elevation in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) |
Alive_at_planting | integer (binary) | Transplant status at planting (1 = alive) |
Alive_4_01_2019 | integer (binary) | Transplant status on April 1 2019 early survival survey (0 = dead, 1 = alive) |
Transplant volume at 14 weeks at High and Low elevation locations
This file contains growth data for marked plants of the five primary species (D, E, F, J, S; see species key at top of Readme) after 14 weeks at designated "High" and "Low" elevation locations. Maximum diameter and height measurements were used to estimate plant volume in Clustered vs Uniform planting treatments. At Clustered plantings, it was difficult to distinguish one individual from another, so we took the diameter and height measurement for the entire cluster and divided it by the number of plants still alive in that cluster. At Uniform plantings, we randomly selected three out of the 9 plants in each unit to measure and these measurements were averaged before analysis. See Appendix S1: Section S2: Experimental design and Appendix S1: Section S5.2 for more details.
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier: each transplant was installed in one of six blocks (1 - 6) |
Species | categorical | Code for transplant species: D, E, F, J, S (see key at top of Readme) |
Pattern | categorical | Planting treatment of transplant: C (Clustered, 10 cm spacing) or U (Uniform, 50 cm spacing) |
Elevation | categorical | Transplant elevation: H (High) or L (Low) - see Fig. 1c for position of High and Low locations |
Treatment | categorical | Biochar treatment: B (Biochar applied) or NB (No biochar applied) |
Diameter_05_06_2019 | numeric (cm) | Widest diameter of each transplant in centimeters on May 6 2019 survey |
Height_05_06_2019 | numeric (cm) | Maximum height of each transplant in centimeters on May 6 2019 survey |
This file contains growth data for marked Limonium californicum transplants in Clustered versus Uniform planting treatments installed at High elevation only - see Fig. 1c for position of High location. See Appendix S1: Section S2: Experimental design and Appendix S1: Section S5.2 for more details.
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier: each transplant was installed adjacent to one of six blocks (1 - 6) |
Species | categorical | Code for transplant species: L (Limonium californicum) |
Pattern | categorical | Planting treatment of transplant: C (Clustered, 10 cm spacing) or U (Uniform, 50 cm spacing) |
Elevation | categorical | Transplant elevation: H (High) location only - see Fig. 1c for position of High location |
Diameter_05_06_2019 | numeric (cm) | Widest diameter of each transplant in centimeters on May 6 2019 survey |
Height_05_06_2019 | numeric (cm) | Maximum height of each transplant in centimeters on May 6 2019 survey |
This file contains growth data for marked Triglochin concinna transplants in Clustered versus Uniform planting treatments installed at High elevation only - see Fig. 1c for position of High location. See Appendix S1: Section S2: Experimental design and Appendix S1: Section S5.2 for more details.
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier: each transplant was installed adjacent to one of three blocks (1, 4, 6) |
Species | categorical | Code for transplant species: T (Triglochin concinna) |
Pattern | categorical | Planting treatment of transplant: C (Clustered, 10 cm spacing) or U (Uniform, 50 cm spacing) |
Elevation | categorical | Transplant elevation: H (High) location only - see Fig. 1c for position of High location |
Diameter_05_06_2019 | numeric (cm) | Widest diameter of each transplant in centimeters on May 6 2019 survey |
Height_05_06_2019 | numeric (cm) | Maximum height of each transplant in centimeters on May 6 2019 survey |
Transplant survival at 18 weeks at High and Low elevation locations
This file contains survival data at 18 weeks for transplants of the 5 primary species (D, E, F, J, S; see species key at top of Readme) in the Clustered versus Uniform planting treatments at designated "High" and "Low" elevation locations. See Appendix S1: Section S2: Experimental design for more details, and Fig. 1c for position of the High and Low locations. The Total_planted column records the original number of plants in each 9-plant unit (the replicate for this analysis). The original number was always 9, except in rare cases where an individual of the wrong species was planted in a unit (and was subsequently pulled).
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier: each transplant was installed in one of six blocks (1 - 6) |
Species | categorical | Code for transplant species: D, E, F, J, S (see species key at top of Readme) |
Pattern | categorical | Planting treatment of transplant: C (Clustered, 10 cm spacing) or U (Uniform, 50 cm spacing) |
Elevation | categorical | Transplant elevation: H (High) or L (Low) - see Fig. 1c for position of High and Low locations |
Treatment | categorical | Biochar treatment: B (Biochar applied) or NB (No biochar applied) |
Total_planted | integer (count) | The original number of plants in each unit (usually 9) |
Alive_Jun3 | integer (count) | The number of plants still alive in each unit on the June 3 2019 survey |
Proportion_Surviving | numeric | The proportion of plants still alive in each unit |
This file contains survival data at 18 weeks for Limonium californicum transplants in the High elevation location only. See Appendix S1: Section S2: Experimental design for more details, and Fig. 1c for position of the High location. The Total_planted column records the original number of plants in each 9-plant unit (the replicate for this analysis). The original number was always 9 for this species.
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier: each transplant was installed adjacent to one of six blocks (1 - 6) |
Species | categorical | Code for transplant species: L (Limonium californicum) |
Pattern | categorical | Planting treatment of transplant: C (Clustered, 10 cm spacing) or U (Uniform, 50 cm spacing) |
Total_planted | integer (count) | The original number of plants in each unit (9) |
AliveJun3 | integer (count) | The number of plants still alive in each unit on the June 3 2019 survey |
Proportion_Surviving | numeric | The proportion of plants still alive in each unit |
This file contains survival data at 18 weeks for Triglochin concinna transplants in the High elevation location only. See Appendix S1: Section S2: Experimental design for more details, and Fig. 1c for position of the High location. The Total_planted column records the original number of plants in each 9-plant unit (the replicate for this analysis). The original number was always 9 for this species.
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier: each transplant was installed adjacent to one of three blocks (1, 4, 6) |
Species | categorical | Code for transplant species: T (Triglochin concinna ) |
Pattern | categorical | Planting treatment of transplant: C (Clustered, 10 cm spacing) or U (Uniform, 50 cm spacing) |
Total_planted | integer (count) | The original number of plants in each unit (9) |
AliveJun3 | integer (count) | The number of plants still alive in each unit on the June 3 2019 survey |
Proportion_Surviving | numeric | The proportion of plants still alive in each unit |
Native transplant cover across the elevation gradient
This file contains native transplant cover data from a point intercept survey in 2019 for each of the five primary species (D, E, F, J, S); see species key at top of Readme, and Appendix S1: Section S5.3 for more details. In transplant cover analysis for each species and year, we only used data from the Clustered and Uniform columns that were planted with that species. For example, to analyze D (Distichlis spicata) cover using this file, we isolated the rows of data with "D" in the Species planted column.
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier for each pin drop (1 - 6) |
Species planted | categorical | Code for transplanted species: D, E, F, J, or S (see key at top of Readme) |
Pattern | categorical | Planting treatment of column: C (Clustered, 10 cm spacing) or U (Uniform, 50 cm spacing) |
Elevation | numeric | Elevation at each pin drop along a transect in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) |
D cover | integer (binary) | Distichlis spicata cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
E cover | integer (binary) | Extriplex californica cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
F cover | integer (binary) | Frankenia salina cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
J cover | integer (binary) | Jaumea carnosa cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
S cover | integer (binary) | Spergularia macrotheca cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
This file contains native transplant cover data from a point intercept survey in 2020 for each of the five primary species (D, E, F, J, S); see species key at top of Readme, and Appendix S1: Section S5.3 for more details. In transplant cover analysis for each species and year, we only used data from the Clustered and Uniform columns that were planted with that species. For example, to analyze D (Distichlis spicata) cover using this file, we isolated the rows of data with "D" in the Species planted column.
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier for each pin drop (1 - 6) |
Species planted | categorical | Code for transplanted species: D, E, F, J, or S (see key at top of Readme) |
Pattern | categorical | Planting treatment of column: C (Clustered, 10 cm spacing) or U (Uniform, 50 cm spacing) |
Elevation | numeric | Elevation at each pin drop along a transect in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) |
D cover | integer (binary) | Distichlis spicata cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
E cover | integer (binary) | Extriplex californica cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
F cover | integer (binary) | Frankenia salina cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
J cover | integer (binary) | Jaumea carnosa cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
S cover | integer (binary) | Spergularia macrotheca cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
This file contains native transplant cover data from a point intercept survey in 2021 for each of the five primary species (D, E, F, J, S); see species key at top of Readme, and Appendix S1: Section S5.3 for more details. In transplant cover analysis for each species and year, we only used data from the Clustered and Uniform columns that were planted with that species. For example, to analyze D (Distichlis spicata) cover using this file, we isolated the rows of data with "D" in the Species planted column.
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier for each pin drop (1 - 6) |
Species planted | categorical | Code for transplanted species: D, E, F, J, or S (see key at top of Readme) |
Pattern | categorical | Planting treatment of column: C (Clustered, 10 cm spacing) or U (Uniform, 50 cm spacing) |
Elevation | numeric | Elevation at each pin drop along a transect in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) |
D cover | integer (binary) | Distichlis spicata cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
E cover | integer (binary) | Extriplex californica cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
F cover | integer (binary) | Frankenia salina cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
J cover | integer (binary) | Jaumea carnosa cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
S cover | integer (binary) | Spergularia macrotheca cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Exotic cover across the elevation gradient
This file contains exotic cover data from a point intercept survey in 2019 - see Appendix S1: Section S5.3 for more details on surveys, and Table S2 for more details on taxa. Where possible, taxa were identified to the species level; in some cases, the life stage of the plant only allowed identification to genus (identified by the suffix “sp”). In these cases, we assume individuals represent the same species. We were unable to identify two exotic annual taxa to the genus level; however, these plants could be readily distinguished from each other and other species present, allowing us to track them as “Unknown 1” and “Unknown 3.” Exotic cover was analyzed separately for columns planted with each of the five primary species (D, E, F, J, S) in the Clustered versus Uniform pattern. For example, to analyze exotic cover in block columns planted with D (Distichlis spicata), we isolated the rows of data with "D" in the Species planted column.
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier for each pin drop (1 - 6) |
Species planted | categorical | Code for transplanted species: D, E, F, J, or S (see key at top of Readme) |
Pattern | categorical | Planting treatment of column: C (Clustered, 10 cm spacing) or U (Uniform, 50 cm spacing) |
Elevation | numeric | Elevation at each pin drop along a transect in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) |
Ap | integer (binary) | Atriplex prostrata cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
As | integer (binary) | Atriplex semibaccata cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Bh | integer (binary) | Bromus hordeaceus cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Bm | integer (binary) | Bromus madritensis cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Bn | integer (binary) | Brassica nigra cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Cm | integer (binary) | Conium maculatum cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Cot | integer (binary) | Cotula coronopifolia cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Cp | integer (binary) | Carduus pycnocephalus cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Cv | integer (binary) | Cirsium vulgare cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Er | integer (binary) | Erodium sp cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Em | integer (binary) | Euphorbia maculata cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Eri | integer (binary) | Erigeron sp cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Fm | integer (binary) | Festuca myuros cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Fp | integer (binary) | Festuca perennis cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Hb | integer (binary) | Hordeum brachyantherum cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
He | integer (binary) | Helminthotheca echioides cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
La | integer (binary) | Lysimachia arvensis cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Md | integer (binary) | Matricaria discoidea cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Med | integer (binary) | Medicago sp cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Mi | integer (binary) | Melilotus indicus cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Mo | integer (binary) | Melilotus officinalis cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Pin | integer (binary) | Parapholis incurva cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Pm | integer (binary) | Polypogon monspeliensis cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Ps | integer (binary) | Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Ra | integer (binary) | Raphanus sp cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Ru | integer (binary) | Rumex sp cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Sa | integer (binary) | Sonchus asper cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
St | integer (binary) | Stipa sp cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Sym | integer (binary) | Silybum marianum cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
U1 | integer (binary) | Unknown 1 cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
U3 | integer (binary) | Unknown 3 cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Exotic_hits | integer | The total unique exotic species hit on each pin drop, summed across the columns above |
This file contains exotic cover data from a point intercept survey in 2020 - see Appendix S1: Section S5.3 for more details on surveys, and Table S2 for more details on taxa. Taxa identified in this year were a subset of those observed in 2019; to speed the data collection process, survey teams collected data on specific taxa of management interest but otherwise lumped exotic species into the categories "Exotic grass" or "Exotic forb". Exotic cover was analyzed separately for columns planted with each of the five primary species (D, E, F, J, S) in the Clustered versus Uniform pattern. For example, to analyze exotic cover in block columns planted with D (Distichlis spicata), we isolated the rows of data with "D" in the Species planted column.
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier for each pin drop (1 - 6) |
Species planted | categorical | Code for transplanted species: D, E, F, J, or S (see key at top of Readme) |
Pattern | categorical | Planting treatment of column: C (Clustered, 10 cm spacing) or U (Uniform, 50 cm spacing) |
Elevation | numeric | Elevation at each pin drop along a transect in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) |
Ap | integer (binary) | Atriplex prostrata cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Pm | integer (binary) | Polypogon monspeliensis cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Pin | integer (binary) | Parapholis incurva cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Cot | integer (binary) | Cotula coronopifolia cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Exotic.grass | integer (binary) | Exotic grass cover value at each pin drop: 0 = absent, and 1 = present |
Exotic.forb | integer (binary) | Exotic forb cover value at each pin drop: 0 = absent, and 1 = present |
Exotic_hits | integer | The total unique exotic species hit on each pin drop, summed across the columns above |
This file contains exotic cover data from a point intercept survey in 2021 - see Appendix S1: Section S5.3 for more details on surveys, and Table S2 for more details on taxa. Taxa identified in this year were a subset of those observed in 2019; to speed the data collection process, survey teams collected data on specific taxa of management interest but otherwise lumped exotic species into the categories "Exotic grass" or "Exotic forb". Exotic cover was analyzed separately for columns planted with each of the five primary species (D, E, F, J, S) in the Clustered versus Uniform pattern. For example, to analyze exotic cover in block columns planted with D (Distichlis spicata), we isolated the rows of data with "D" in the Species planted column.
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier for each pin drop (1 - 6) |
Species planted | categorical | Code for transplanted species: D, E, F, J, or S (see key at top of Readme) |
Pattern | categorical | Planting treatment of column: C (Clustered, 10 cm spacing) or U (Uniform, 50 cm spacing) |
Elevation | numeric | Elevation at each pin drop along a transect in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) |
Ap | integer (binary) | Atriplex prostrata cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Pm | integer (binary) | Polypogon monspeliensis cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Pin | integer (binary) | Parapholis incurva cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Cot | integer (binary) | Cotula coronopifolia cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Bn or Ra | integer (binary) | Brassica nigra or Raphanus sp cover value at each pin drop: 0 = species absent, and 1 = species present |
Exotic.grass | integer (binary) | Exotic grass cover value at each pin drop: 0 = absent, and 1 = present |
Exotic.forb | integer (binary) | Exotic forb cover value at each pin drop: 0 = absent, and 1 = present |
Exotic_hits | integer | The total unique exotic species hit on each pin drop, summed across the columns above |
Soil data
This file contains data on soil temperatures near solar noon in the open and under the canopy of each of the five primary species (D, E, F, J, S) from May 2019 to Jan 2020. See Appendix S1: Section S5.5 for more details.
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier: each unit was installed at one of six blocks (1 - 6) |
Location | categorical | Location of each iButton unit (in open soil or under the canopy of a particular species: D, E, F, J, S) |
iButton unit ID | categorical | Unique identifier for each iButton unit |
Month | categorical | Month each measurement was recorded |
Day | categorical | Day each measurement was recorded |
Year | categorical | Year each measurement was recorded: "19" (2019) or "20" (2020) |
Time | categorical | Time of day each measurement was recorded |
Temp_C | numeric (degrees) | Temperature in degrees Celsius (C) |
This dataset tracks soil moisture over time (May 2019 - Jan 2020) in soil cores collected from the open. No soil cores were collected in November. See Appendix S1: Section S5.4 and Appendix S1: Table S3 for more details.
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier: each core was taken at one of six blocks (1 - 6) |
Core type | categorical | Identifier for where each core was taken: always "O" (open soil) in this dataset |
Location | categorical | Location where core was taken: Lower marsh, H (High), L (Low), Upland - see Fig.1c |
May_moisture_pct | numeric | Percent moisture by weight of each core collected in May |
Jun_moisture_pct | numeric | Percent moisture by weight of each core collected in June |
Jul_moisture_pct | numeric | Percent moisture by weight of each core collected in July |
Aug_moisture_pct | numeric | Percent moisture by weight of each core collected in August |
Sep_moisture_pct | numeric | Percent moisture by weight of each core collected in September |
Oct_moisture_pct | numeric | Percent moisture by weight of each core collected in October |
Dec_moisture_pct | numeric | Percent moisture by weight of each core collected in December |
Jan_moisture_pct | numeric | Percent moisture by weight of each core collected in January |
This dataset contains: soil water potential (MPa) of soil cores collected under summertime drought conditions near the end of the dry season (Sep 2019), the weight weight of cores (g), and the weight of cores (g) after drying. Cores were collected in the open and under the canopy of each of the five primary species (D, E, F, J, S). With one exception, cores were collected at the Upland location, where extra transplants had been installed for this destructive sampling. Cores under Frankenia salina were collected from the High elevation location instead because limited transplant stock prevented us from planting this species at the Upland location. See Appendix S1: Section S5.6 for more details (cores classified as having "light" cover were dropped from this dataset and are not included here).
variables | units | description |
Block | categorical | Planted block identifier: each core was taken in one of six blocks (1 - 6) |
Location | categorical | Location where each core was taken: O (Open soil) or D, E, F, J, S (under canopy of that species) |
Core type | categorical | Identifier for cores taken in the open (O) versus under canopy (C) |
Canopy assessment | categorical | Assessment of cover for cores collected under plants; data associated with light cover are not included |
Mpa_Sep_25 | numeric (MPa) | Soil water potential measurement in megapascals |
Wet_weight_Sep | numeric (g) | Wet weight of each core in grams |
Dry_weight_Sep | numeric (g) | Dry weight of each core in grams |
This dataset contains:
- Early survival data for species planted in clustered versus uniform treatments across an elevation transect, including:
- Distichlis spicata
- Extriplex californica
- Frankenia salina
- Jaumea carnosa
- Spergularia macrotheca
- Growth and later survival data collected from marked plants at designated "High" and "Low" elevation locations
- All species above, plus Limonium californicum and Triglochin concinna at High elevation only
- Transplant and exotic cover data collected on point intercept transects across elevation in 2019, 2020, and 2021
See Methods and Appendix S1 for further details on data collection methods and statistical analyses.
The attached archive includes a read-me file that details the content of each .csv in the data set.