Experimental evolution reveals that males evolving within warmer thermal regimes improve reproductive performance under heatwave conditions in a model insect
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Climate change is increasing mean temperatures, and intensifying heatwaves. Natural populations may respond to stress through shorter-term acclimation via plasticity and/or longer-term inter-generational evolution. However, if the pace and/or extent of thermal change is too great, local extinctions occur; one potential cause in ectotherms is identified to be the heat-liability of male reproductive biology. Recent data from several species, including the beetle Tribolium castaneum, confirmed that male reproductive biology is vulnerable to heatwaves, which may constrain populations. However, such reproductive-damage may be overestimated, if there is potential to adapt to elevated mean temperatures associated with climate change via evolution and/or acclimation. Here, we tested this to evaluate whether pre-exposures could improve heatwave tolerance (adaptation or acclimation), by experimentally evolving T. castaneum populations to divergent thermal regimes (30°C versus 38°C). Findings across assays revealed that relative to 30°C-regime males, males from the 38°C regime, maintained constantly at 8°C warmer for 25 generations, displayed an increase; i) in post heatwave (42°C) reproductive fitness by 55%, ii) survival by 33% and iii) 32% larger testes volumes. Unexpectedly, in the acclimation assay, warm-adapted males’ post-heatwave survival and reproduction were best if they experienced cool developmental acclimation beforehand, suggesting a cost to adapting to 38°C.These results help progress knowledge of the potential for survival and reproduction to adapt to climate change; trait specific adaptation to divergent thermal regimes can occur over relatively few generations, but this capacity depended on the interaction of evolutionary and thermal acclimatory processes.
README: Experimental evolution reveals that males evolving within warmer thermal regimes improve reproductive performance under heatwave conditions in a model insect
Description of the data and file structure
Experimental evolution reveals that males evolving within warmer thermal regimes improve reproductive performance under heatwave conditions in a model insect
Kris Salesac, Gage, M.J.G. c†, Vasudeva, R.bc*
7 data files overall that are linked to the findings of this study, incorporated plots and tables/Rscripts - all uploaded in ‘.csv’ format
1) Filename: Thlevoacclimtestesfull.csv
Dataset describing testes volume measurements as a consequence of thermal evolution and acclimation of the regimes.
Column A: ID
Thermal regime/line/population identification
Column B: Line
Independent line/population identification
Column C: Replicate
Replicate measures within each unit of interest
Column D: Regime
Identifies which thermal regime
Column E: Reared
Identifies the thermal exposure by regime
Column F: Elytra_length
Body size measurement
Column G: Testes_size
Testes volume (mm3)
**2) Filename: **Thlheatwaveacclimationave.csv
Dataset describing offspring counts under thermal acclimation of the regimes (averaged).
Column A: Regime
Identifies which thermal regime
Column B: Rearing.Temp
Thermal exposure of the line/regime
Column C: Line
Independent line/population identification
Column D: Adult.count.20D
Measures of reproductive fitness (offspring counts)
**3) Filename: **Thlheatwaveacclimationfull.csv
Dataset describing offspring counts under thermal acclimation of the regimes (full).
Column A: Line
Line identification/regime
Column B: Replicate
Replicate measurements
Column C: Regime
Independent regime identification
Column D: Rearing
Rearing temperature/exposure
Column E: Adult.count.10D.1
Measures of reproductive fitness first ten day block (offspring counts)
Column F: Adult.count.10D.2
Measures of reproductive fitness second ten day block (offspring counts)
Column G: Adult.count20D
Measures of total (days 1+2) reproductive fitness, sum (offspring counts)
**4) Filename: **Thlheatwaveadaptationave.csv
Dataset describing offspring counts under thermal adaptation of the regimes (averaged).
Column A: Regime
Identifies which thermal regime
Column B: Heatwave.temp
Experimental thermal exposure of the line/regime
Column C: Line
Independent line/population identification
Column D: Adult.count.20D
Measures of reproductive fitness (offspring counts)
Column E: std.dev
Standard deviation calculated
Column F: count
Replicate counts
Column G: std.error
Standard error calculated
Column H: no38.21
Unique coding for ease of plot/analysis
**5) Filename: **Thlheatwaveadaptationfull.csv
Dataset describing offspring counts under thermal adaptation of the regimes (full).
Column A: ID
Column B: Line
Line identification
Column C: Regime
Independent regime identification
Column D: Heatwave.temp
Rearing temperature/exposure
Column E: Rep
Column F: Adult.count.10D.1
Measures of reproductive fitness first ten day block (offspring counts)
Column G: Adult.count.10D.2
Measures of reproductive fitness second ten day block (offspring counts)
Column H: Adult.count20D
Measures of total (days 1+2) reproductive fitness, sum (offspring counts)
**6) Filename: **Thlheatwavesurvival.csv
Dataset describing survival of adults post thermal exposures by regime.
Column A: Replicate
Column B: Regime
Thermal regime/population/line
Column C: Rearing
Exposure temperature
Column D: N
Sample size (in groups of single sex) of number of animals per Petri dish exposed
Column E: Survivors
Survivors within the groups (counts)
Column F: Deaths
Deaths within the groups (counts)
Column G: Prop.survivors
Proportions calculated from the preceding columns ($E / $D*100)
**7) Filename: **Percent change calculations.csv
This dataset involves the summaries (average values) of the different work packages presented in the study and how we arrived at increase/decrease percentages based on the regime