Consistency and individuality of honeybee stinging behaviour across time and social contexts
Data files
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Whether individuals exhibit consistent behavioural variation is a central question in the field of animal behaviour. This question is particularly interesting in the case of social animals, as their behaviour may be strongly modulated by the collective. In this study, we ask whether honeybees exhibit individual differences in stinging behaviour. We demonstrate that bees are relatively stable in their decision to sting – or not – in a specific context and show temporal consistency suggestive of an internal state modulation. We also investigated how social factors such as the alarm pheromone or another bee modulated this behaviour. The presence of alarm pheromone increased the likelihood of a bee to sting but this response decayed over trials, while the presence of a conspecific decreased individual stinging likelihood. These factors, however, did not alter stinging consistency. We therefore propose that social modulation acts by shifting the stinging threshold of individuals. Finally, experimental manipulation of group composition with respect to the ratio of aggressive and gentle bees within a group did not affect the behaviour of focal bees. Overall, our results establish honeybee stinging behaviour as a promising model for studying mechanistically how collective and individual traits interact to regulate individual variability.
README: Consistency and individuality of honeybee stinging behaviour across time and social contexts
Description of the data and file structure
The first dataset was collected to evaluate the inter-individual variability and stinging consistency of honeybees. The second dataset was collected to assess if group composition modulates stinging responses in honeybees.
Files and variables
File: Kannan_et_al_2024_RSOS_Consistencyexperiments.csv
Description: Each line corresponds to a bee
- Date: Date of data collection
- Time: Time of data collection
- Colony ID: Identifier for the colony
- Bee ID: Identifier of the bee
- Group size: 1 if the bee was tested alone, 2 if she was tested in pairs
- Pair ID: Identifier of the pair (NaN for single bees)
- Odour: The odour inside the arena during all trials (0 = mineral oil; 1 = isoamyl acetate at 10% vol/vol)
- Sting trial 1: Whether the bee stung during trial 1 (0 = no; 1 = yes)
- Sting trial 2: Whether the bee stung during trial 2 (0 = no; 1 = yes)
- Sting trial 3: Whether the bee stung during trial 3 (0 = no; 1 = yes)
- Sting trial 4: Whether the bee stung during trial 4 (0 = no; 1 = yes)
- RT trial 1: Reaction time for trial 1 (in seconds; NaN if the bee didn't sting)
- RT trial 2: Reaction time for trial 2 (in seconds; NaN if the bee didn't sting)
- RT trial 3: Reaction time for trial 3 (in seconds; NaN if the bee didn't sting)
- RT trial 4: Reaction time for trial 4 (in seconds; NaN if the bee didn't sting)
File: Kannan_etal_2024_RSOS_GroupCompositionExperiments.csv
Description: Each line corresponds to a bee
- Date: Date of data collection
- Colony: Identifier for the colony
- Group 1 ID: Identifier for the group the focal bee was tested in during test 1 (note that not all bees participated in test 2, which is why there may be less than 6 bees from each test 1 group)
- Bee ID: Identifier for the bee
- Group 2 ID: Identifier for the group the focal bee was tested in during test 2
- Sting test 1: Whether the bee stung during test 1 (0 = no; 1 = yes)
- Rank test 1: The stinging rank of the bee during test 1 (I = initiator; F = follower; N = non-stinger; NaN = missing data)
- RT test 1: Reaction time for test 1 (in seconds; NaN if the bee didn't sting or for missing data)
- Total stings test 1: Total number of bees that stung in the group of the focal bee during test 1
- Grouping test 2: Condition the bee was grouped into (1 = Mixed-Gentle; 2 = All-Gentle; 3 = Mixed-Aggressive; 4 = All-Aggressive)
- Sting test 2: Whether the bee stung during test 2 (0 = no; 1 = yes)
- Rank test 2: The stinging rank of the bee during test 2 (from 0 = initiator to 5 = the bee stung after the 5 other bees had stung, corresponding to the number of sting alarm pheromone units released in the arena at the time that the decision to sting was taken; 6 = non-stinger)
- RT test 2: Reaction time for test 2 (in seconds; NaN if the bee didn't sting or for missing data)
- Total stings test 2: Total number of bees that stung in the group of the focal bee during test 2
The data is provided as csv files, with columns delimited by semi-colons.