Environmental heterogeneity on landslide slopes affects the long-term recoveries of forest ecosystem components
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Landslides are a common disturbance in mountainous areas of the world. Transporting and accumulating landslide debris, i.e., disturbance legacies, such as coarse woody debris (CWD), vegetation patches, and surface soils, generate a heterogeneous environment along slopes (zones), which are suggested to affect forest recovery. However, the long-term changes in forest ecosystems after landslides remain unknown, particularly zone-dependent change patterns. We aimed to reveal the differences in the changes in live trees, understory vegetation, CWD, and soils among zones by surveying forests with landslide ages (years since the landslide) ranging from 3 to 74 years and reference stands. The increase in live tree aboveground biomass occurred at a faster rate at the lower part of the slopes where the disturbance legacies were rich and surface soils were stabilized due to the smaller slope angle. Chronological patterns of understory vegetation amounts were determined by the differences in disturbance legacy richness and the timing of subsequent canopy closure. The amounts and decay-class diversity of CWD were determined by the differences in legacy richness and mortality through stand development. These zone-dependent chronological changes influenced litter production and determined the recovery rates of surface soil carbon and nitrogen stocks. The increase in the dominance rates of forest herbaceous species was faster in the lower part of the slopes due to the faster surface soil development and canopy closure. Our results illustrate that long-term forest ecosystem succession and recovery after landslides occurs more rapidly at the lower parts than at the upper parts of slopes.
README: Environmental heterogeneity on landslide slopes affects the long-term recoveries of forest ecosystem components
The raw data used in the following publication:
Hotta W, Morimoto J, Yanai S, Uchida Y, Nakamura F (2024) Environmental heterogeneity on landslide slopes affects the long-term recoveries of forest ecosystem components. CATENA 234: 107578 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2023.107578
We surveyed live trees, coarse woody debris, understory vegetation, and soil carbon and nitrogen.
We selected slopes where landslides occurred in 2018, 2003, 1981, and before 1947. We also selected reference stands.
We divided each slope into three zones (i.e., the initiation, the transport, and the deposition) from top to bottom.
Description of the data and file structure
tree_analysis_revise.csv: the raw data of the live tree survey.
cwd2.csv: the raw data of the coarse woody debris survey.
understory_analysis.csv: the raw data of the understory survey.
soil_CN.csv: the raw data of carbon and nitrogen concentrations and bulk densities.
env_quadrat_data2.csv: the raw data of environmental variables (e.g., slope angle and soil moisture content)
plot_slopeaspect.csv: the GIS-based data of the slope aspect of each plot.
Data-specific information
Column headers of tree_analysis_revise.csv
- Year: Year when a landslide occurred
- LandslideID: ID of landslide slopes in the year
- Zone: Zone within landslide slopes (for landslides: Initiation/Transport/Deposition; for reference stands: Upper/Middle/Lower)
- Tree ID: ID of tree individuals
- Species_Jp: Tree species name in Japanese
- DBH_cm: Diameter at breast height (cm)
- H_m: Tree height (m)
- BA: Basal area (cm2)
- BEF: Species-age specific biomass extension factor
- R: Root ratio
- D1: Wood density
- TimVol: Volume of a stem
- AGBiomass_mg: Aboveground biomass (Mg)
Column headers of cwd2.csv
- Year: Year when a landslide occurred
- LandslideID: ID of landslide slopes in the year
- Zone: Zone within landslide slopes (for landslides: Initiation/Transport/Deposition; for reference stands: Upper/Middle/Lower)
- CWDID: ID of CWD individuals
- Da_cm\, Db_cm: Diameters of both ends of downed logs / Diameters at breast height of snags (no data in column "Db_cm")
- L_m: Length of downed logs or height of snags
- Decay: Decay class (1\, 2\, 3\, 4\, or 5)
- sp: Species (conifer or broadleaves)
- type: CWD type (downed logs or snags)
- Mass_g: Mass of each CWD (g)
Column headers of understory_analysis.csv
- Year: Year when a landslide occurred
- LandslideID: ID of landslide slopes in the year
- Zone: Zone within landslide slopes (for landslides: Initiation/Transport/Deposition; for reference stands: Upper/Middle/Lower)
- QuadratID: ID of quadrat in each plot
- Species_Jp: Species name of Japanese
- Coverage_%: percent cover of each species
- Max_H_cm: Maximum height of each species (cm)
- Species type: species habitat type (Open land species/Generalist/Forest species/Unknown)
- Moisture type: species moisture preference (Dry/Moderate/Wet/Unknown)
Column headers of soil_CN.csv
- Year: Year when a landslide occurred
- LandslideID: ID of landslide slopes in the year
- Zone: Zone within landslide slopes (for landslides: Initiation/Transport/Deposition; for reference stands: Upper/Middle/Lower)
- Type: Sample type (L/FH/Twig/Mineral soils (0-5cm))
- Mass_g: Dry weight of a sample including a sampling bag
- bagmass_g: Dry weight of a sampling bag
- samplemass_g: Dry weight of a sample
- angle_mean: Mean slope angle of a sampling plot
- Carbon_%: Carbon concentration
- Nitrogen_%: Nitrogen concentration
- C_mass_mg: Carbon stock (Mg)
- N_mass_mg: Nitrogen stock (Mg)
Column headers of env_quadrat_data2.csv
- Year: Year when a landslide occurred
- LandslideID: ID of landslide slopes in the year
- Zone: Zone within landslide slopes (for landslides: Initiation/Transport/Deposition; for reference stands: Upper/Middle/Lower)
- QuadratID: ID of quadrat in each plot
- Angle: Slope angle in each quadrat (degree; 0-90)
- O_depth: O layer depth in each quadrat (cm)
- Moisture_a\, Moisture_b\, Moisture_c\, Moisture_d: Soil moisture content in each quadrat (%; measured four times)
- Moisture_mean: Mean soil moisture content (%)
Column headers of plot_slopeaspect.csv
- Year: Year when a landslide occurred
- LandslideID: ID of landslide slopes in the year
- Zone: Zone within landslide slopes (for landslides: Initiation/Transport/Deposition; for reference stands: Upper/Middle/Lower)
- slope aspect: Slope aspect of each plot (azimuth; 0-360)
Sharing/Access information
All data here was collected by the authors.
If this data is used, please cite this data set and the following publication:
Hotta W, Morimoto J, Yanai S, Uchida Y, Nakamura F (2024) Environmental heterogeneity on landslide slopes affects the long-term recoveries of forest ecosystem components. CATENA 234: 107578 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2023.107578