Data from: Myriospora molybdina comb. nov. and the identity of Acarospora hysgina
Data files
Jan 07, 2024 version files 307.51 KB
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380 B
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The nomenclature and taxonomy of Acarospora molybdina is revised using morphological and molecular data. The new combination Myriospora molybdina is proposed and Acarospora hysgina is recognized as a distinct species while A. brunneola is reduced to synonymy with A. hysgina. In its new circumscription Myriospora molybdina is an arctic species, in Scandinavia only occurring in northernmost Norway. Further localities are reported from Greenland, Russia, Svalbard and the U.S.A (Alaska). Acarospora hysgina is the correct name for populations distributed along the west coast of Sweden and Norway, formerly thought to belong to A. molybdina. Localities are also reported from Canada (New Brunswick), Greenland and the U.S.A. (Maine). The following names are lectotypified; Acarospora brunneola, Acarospora molybdina var. confusa, Lecanora ereutica β microcyclos, Parmelia ereutica, P. hysgina and P. molybdina.
README: Data from: Myriospora molybdina comb. nov. and the identity of Acarospora hysgina
The paper contains two phylogenetic analyses of the same alignment, one Bayesian analysis using MrBayes 3.2.7a and one maximum likelihood analysis using IQTREE 2.0.7. The files included are the files used for the analysis in the associated publication.
Description of the data and file structure
This the file used for the Bayesian analysis in the associated publication. At the end of this file, the settings for this analysis with partitioning scheme, priors etc. are included.
This is the first of two files used for the maximum likelihood analysis in the associated publication, containing the sequence alignment.
This is the second of two files used for the maximum likelihood analysis in the associated publication, contaning the partitioning scheme.
DNA was extracted from recently collected material or from dried herbarium specimens. Total DNA was extracted using the Qiagen DNEasy Plant Minikit, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Selected markers for this study were the internal transcribed spacer complete repeat (ITS) and the large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrLSU), the small subunit of the mitochodrial ribosomal DNA (mrSSU), and the coding sequence of the β-tubulin gene (BT). PCR-amplification, purification and sequencing was performed using the same primers and methods as in Westberg et al. (2015, Fung. Diversity 73: 145–158).