Data from: Do genetic loci that cause reproductive isolation in the lab inhibit gene flow in nature?
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The genetic dissection of reproductive barriers between diverging lineages provides enticing clues into the origin of species. One strategy uses linkage analysis in experimental crosses to identify genomic locations involved in phenotypes that mediate reproductive isolation. A second framework searches for genomic regions that show reduced rates of exchange across natural hybrid zones. It is often assumed that these approaches will point to the same loci, but this assumption is rarely tested. In this perspective, we discuss the factors that determine whether loci connected to postzygotic reproductive barriers in the laboratory are inferred to reduce gene flow in nature. We synthesize data on the genetics of postzygotic isolation in house mice, one of the most intensively studied systems in speciation genetics. In a rare empirical comparison, we measure the correspondence of loci tied to postzygotic barriers via genetic mapping in the laboratory and loci at which gene flow is inhibited across a natural hybrid zone. We find no evidence that the two sets of loci overlap beyond what is expected by chance. In light of these results, we recommend avenues for empirical and theoretical research to resolve the potential incongruence between the two predominant strategies for understanding the genetics of speciation.
README: Data from: Do genetic loci that cause reproductive isolation in the lab inhibit gene flow in nature?
This dataset contains two types of data:
1) Summary of genomic regions associated with reproductive isolation in house mice. This data was individually compiled from publically available datasets from 36 studies and remapped to the mm10 reference genome using LiftOver. The archived dataset contains both the original and the mapped coordinates.
2) Results of permutation tests and rank sum tests looking for overlap within the house mouse data set. This was generated from tests comparing subsets of the house mouse dataset to each other. This data consists of CSV tables of p-values for overlap permutation tests, mean clines widths, and p-values for tests of cline width differences.
Description of the data and file structure
The data are in two folders.
In "house_mouse_data", there are six files. These files contain our compilations of the publicly available datasets. Genes are described in one csv file (containing metadata on the source of the genes: "gene_list.csv") and one bed file (containing remapped genomic intervals: "remapped_gene_bed_081023.bed"). There are four versions of the interval loci dataset. These versions have the same list of intervals but differ in the way certain intervals are handled. For the main file ("lit_survey_candidate_loci.csv"), all intervals are reported as is for each dataset. For the subsequent files, QTL are reduced to 1Mb intervals around their peak value ("lit_survey_candidate_loci_1MbQTL.csv"), single marker loci are increased to 1Mb intervals around their values ("lit_survey_candidate_loci_1MbMarkers.csv"), or both ("lit_survey_candidate_loci_1MbQTL_1MbMarkers.csv"). A file labeled "annotation_glossary.csv" contains descriptions of the columns present in the other csv files. Columns that are actually required to complete the main analyses of the study are also indicated in this file.
In "comparison_data", we have two csv files compiling the results of the comparisons described in our manuscript. One file ("permutation_summary.csv") includes the observed number of overlaps, p-values, and overlaps observed in permutations for all permutation tests measuring overlap between datasets. This file could be used to reconstruct the distributions of the permutation output. The second file ("cline_data.csv") contains mean cline widths and p-values for all comparisons of the data.
Sharing/Access information
The house mouse data provided here was compiled from the following studies:
- Balcova, Maria, Barbora Faltusova, Vaclav Gergelits, Tanmoy Bhattacharyya, Ondrej Mihola, Zdenek Trachtulec, Corinna Knopf, et al. 2016. “Hybrid Sterility Locus on Chromosome X Controls Meiotic Recombination Rate in Mouse.” PLOS Genetics 12 (4): e1005906.
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- Good, Jeffrey M., Thomas Giger, Matthew D. Dean, and Michael W. Nachman. 2010. “Widespread Over-Expression of the X Chromosome in Sterile F1 Hybrid Mice.” PLOS Genetics 6 (9): e1001148.
- Hunnicutt, Kelsie E., Jeffrey M. Good, and Erica L. Larson. 2022. “Unraveling Patterns of Disrupted Gene Expression across a Complex Tissue.” Evolution 76 (2): 275–91.
- Janousek, V., P. Munclinger, L. Wang, K. C. Teeter, and P. K. Tucker. 2015. “Functional Organization of the Genome May Shape the Species Boundary in the House Mouse.” Molecular Biology and Evolution 32 (5): 1208–20.
- Janoušek, Václav, Liuyang Wang, Ken Luzynski, Petra Dufková, Martina M. Vyskočilová, Michael W. Nachman, Pavel Munclinger, Miloš Macholán, Jaroslav Piálek, and Priscilla K. Tucker. 2012. “Genome-Wide Architecture of Reproductive Isolation in a Naturally Occurring Hybrid Zone between Mus Musculus Musculus and M. m. Domesticus.” Molecular Ecology 21 (12): 3032–47.
- Kass, David H., Václav Janoušek, Liuyang Wang, and Priscilla K. Tucker. 2014. “The Uncharacterized Gene 1700093K21Rik and Flanking Regions Are Correlated with Reproductive Isolation in the House Mouse, Mus Musculus.” Mammalian Genome 25 (5): 223–34.
- Kopania, Emily E K, Erica L Larson, Colin Callahan, Sara Keeble, and Jeffrey M Good. 2022. “Molecular Evolution across Mouse Spermatogenesis.” Molecular Biology and Evolution, January, msac023.
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- Larson, Erica L., Dan Vanderpool, Brice A. J. Sarver, Colin Callahan, Sara Keeble, Lorraine L. Provencio, Michael D. Kessler, et al. 2018. “The Evolution of Polymorphic Hybrid Incompatibilities in House Mice.” Genetics 209 (3): 845–59.
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- Lustyk, Diana, Slavomír Kinský, Kristian Karsten Ullrich, Michelle Yancoskie, Lenka Kašíková, Vaclav Gergelits, Radislav Sedlacek, et al. 2019. “Genomic Structure of Hstx2 Modifier of Prdm9-Dependent Hybrid Male Sterility in Mice.” Genetics, September, genetics.302554.2019.
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- Teeter, Katherine C., Bret A. Payseur, Leslie W. Harris, Margaret A. Bakewell, Lisa M. Thibodeau, Janelle E. O’Brien, James G. Krenz, Maria A. Sans-Fuentes, Michael W. Nachman, and Priscilla K. Tucker. 2008. “Genome-Wide Patterns of Gene Flow across a House Mouse Hybrid Zone.” Genome Research 18 (1): 67–76.
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- Wang, Liuyang, Ken Luzynski, John E. Pool, Václav Janoušek, Petra Dufková, Martina M. Vyskočilová, Katherine C. Teeter, et al. 2011. “Measures of Linkage Disequilibrium among Neighbouring SNPs Indicate Asymmetries across the House Mouse Hybrid Zone.” Molecular Ecology 20 (14): 2985–3000.
- White, Michael A., Brian Steffy, Tim Wiltshire, and Bret A. Payseur. 2011. “Genetic Dissection of a Key Reproductive Barrier between Nascent Species of House Mice.” Genetics 189 (1): 289–304.
- Widmayer, Samuel J, Mary Ann Handel, and David L Aylor. 2020. “Age and Genetic Background Modify Hybrid Male Sterility in House Mice.” Genetics 216 (2): 585–97.
The code used to perform our permutation tests (permutation_test.R) and cline width (cline_test.R) comparisons is archived with Zenodo.