Data from: Chromium oxide coatings with the potential for eliminating the risk of chromium ion release in orthopaedic implants
Data files
Jun 16, 2017 version files 4.73 MB
Electronic data for figure 16 crack spacing frequency of chromium oxide in Ringers solution for 1 month.pdf
106.77 KB
Electronic data for figure 17 Observed spacing distribution at saturation in the chromium oxide films soaked in Ringers solution for 1 month.pdf
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Electronic file for figure 1 Raman Spectra of chromium oxide coatings prepared at various deposition powers and constant oxygen flow rate of 10sccm.pdf
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Electronic file for Figure 10.Mott Schottky plots of chromium oxide coatings prepared at different oxygen flow rates in Ringers solution at 37.pdf
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Electronic file for Figure 11. Mott Schottky plot of uncoated stainless steel in Ringers solution at 37 .pdf
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Electronic file for Figure 12 chromium ion release in Ringers solution.pdf
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Electronic file for figure 14 Measured crack spacing for film strained to 20 and 25 percent.pdf
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Electronic file for figure 15 Fitting of the observed spacing distribution to various distribution functions.pdf
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Electronic file for Figure 19 showing the change in interfacial shear strength for chromium oxide coatings exposed to Ringers solution for period of one month..pdf
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Electronic file for figure 2 The FTIR spectrum of chromium oxide coatings deposited on silicon wafer at various deposition powers and constant oxygen flow rate of 10sccm.pdf
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Electronic file for Figure 3 (a) Survey scan.pdf
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Electronic file for Figure 3 (b) Cr2P doublet.pdf
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Electronic file for Figure 3 (c) O1S peak.pdf
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Electronic file for Figure 5 The XRD data for chromium oxide coatings prepared on glass slides at various oxygen flow rates and constant deposition power of 500W.pdf
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Electronic file for Figure 6 Potentiodynamic polarisation curves of chromium oxide coated and uncoated stainless steel substrates in Ringers solution at 37.pdf
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Electronic file for Figure 8 EIS plots for chromium oxide coated and uncoated stainless steel in Ringers solution at 37 (a) Nyquist plots.pdf
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Electronic file for Figure 8 EIS plots for chromium oxide coated and uncoated stainless steel in Ringers solution at 37 (b) Bode plots (Magnitude versus frequency) .pdf
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Electronic file for Figure 8 EIS plots for chromium oxide coated and uncoated stainless steel in Ringers solution at 37 (c) Bode plots (phase angle versus frequency).pdf
168 KB
Chromium oxide coatings prepared by radiofrequency reactive magnetron sputtering on stainless steel substrates were exposed to Ringer's physiological solution and tested for their electrochemical corrosion stability using an open circuit potential measurement, potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Mott–Schottky analysis. The coatings were found to be predominantly Cr2O3, based on the observation of the dominance of A1gA1g and Eg symmetric modes in our Raman spectroscopic investigation and the Eu vibrational modes in our Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic measurements on the coatings. We investigated for the presence of chromium ions in Ringer's solution after all of the above electrochemical tests using atomic absorption spectroscopy, without finding a trace of chromium ions at the ppm level for coatings tested under open circuit and at the lower potentials implants are likely to experience in the human body. The coatings were further exposed to Ringer's solution for one month and tested for adhesion strength changes, and we found that they retained substantial adhesion to the substrates. We expect this finding to be significant for future orthopaedic implants where chromium ion release is still a major challenge.