Seed sizes for mixed pollen and pure-species pollinations
Data files
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Hybrid Seed Inviability (HSI) is a common barrier in angiosperms. Recent work suggests that the rapid evolution of HSI may, in part, be due to conflict between maternal and paternal optima for resource allocation to developing offspring (i.e. parental conflict). However, parental conflict requires that paternally-derived resource acquiring alleles impose a maternal cost. I test this requirement using three closely related species in the Mimulus guttatus species complex that exhibit significant HSI and differ in their inferred histories of parental conflict. I show that the presence of hybrid seeds significantly affects conspecific seed size for almost all crosses, such that conspecific seeds are smaller after developing with hybrids from fathers with a stronger history of conflict, and larger after developing with hybrids from fathers with a weaker history of conflict. This work demonstrates a cost of paternally-derived alleles and also has implications for species fitness in secondary contact.
README: Seed sizes for mixed pollen and pure-species pollinations
Description of the data and file structure
'Areas_Coughlan. 2021. ForDryad.txt' contains all data pertaining to seed size measurements for each fruit, including data corresponding to the maternal and paternal donor(s) of that fruit.
Column titles:
- Mat= maternal genotype,
- mat.rep= replicate plant of that genotype,
- Pat= paternal genotype(s),
- cross.rep= replicate fruit for that maternal/paternal combination,
- viable= number of viable seeds produced,
- inviable= number of inviable seeds produced,
- total= total seeds produced,
- proportion= proportion of seeds that are enviable,
- mixed or self= status of the pollen bouquet; containing self pollen and pollen from another species (mixed) or just self pollen (self),
- particle.number= seed numerical ID per fruit,
- individual seed size (in mm).
‘PerFruitMeasurements.csv’ contains all data pertaining to the fruits collected. These data are similar to the “Areas_Coughlan.2021.ForDryad.csv’ file, except contain the average conspecific seed size per fruit (AA) and the data pertaining to deviations of an expected 1:1 paternal genotype ratio.
- Mat= maternal genotype,
- MR= replicate plant of that genotype,
- Pat= paternal genotype(s),
- CR= replicate fruit for that maternal/paternal combination,
- viable= number of viable seeds produced,
- inviable= number of inviable seeds produced,
- total= total seeds produced,
- proportion= proportion of seeds that are enviable,
- AA= average conspecific seed area per fruit (in mm),
- Sig?= is there a significant deviation from 1:1 pollination of the two parental genotypes (SIG=significant deviation, NS= not significant, NA= not applicable (i.e. only one paternal donor)).
'Coughlan.2022.AmNat.Rmd' Code for analyzing seed size data.
Access information
Other publicly accessible locations of the data:
- NA
Data was derived from the following sources:
- photos of seeds analyzed in imageJ to estimate size
Pollinations were completed for three species of Mimulus for a total of 9 different cross types: purely self-fertilized and mixed pollinations involving a roughly equal amount of self pollen and pollen from another species. The resultant fruits were then counted and quantified for: the number of seeds produced and their viability. Based on diagnostic seed characteristics, seeds were categorized as hybrid or conspecific. All conspecific seeds were measured for total area using ImageJ.