Data and code for: A novel method for mapping high-precision animal locations using high-resolution imagery
Data files
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Investigating ecological questions at the scale of individual organisms is necessary to understand and predict the biological consequences of changing environmental conditions. For small organisms this can be challenging because ecologists need tools with the appropriate accuracy, precision, and resolution to record and quantify their ecological interactions. Unfortunately, many existing tools are only appropriate for medium to large organisms or those that are wide ranging, inhibiting our ability to investigate the spatial ecology of small organisms at fine scales. Here, we tested a novel workflow for recording animal locations at very fine (decimeter) spatial scales, which we refer to as High-resolution Orthomosaic Location Recording (HOLR). The workflow for HOLR combined direct observations with data collection of locations on high-resolution uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery loaded on smartphones. Observers identified landscape features they recognized in the imagery and estimated positions relative to these visual landmarks. We found HOLR was approximately twice as accurate as consumer-grade GPS devices, with a mean error of 0.75 m and a median error 0.30 m. We also found that performance varied across landscape features, with the highest accuracy in areas that had more visual landmarks for observers to use as reference points. In addition to sub-meter accuracy, HOLR was cost-effective and practical in the field, requiring no bulky equipment and allowing observers to easily record locations away from their own location. This workflow can be used to record locations in a variety of situations, but it will be particularly cost-effective when users simultaneously utilize the high-resolution environmental data contained within UAV imagery. Together, these tools can expand the application of spatial ecology research to smaller organisms than ever before.
README: HOLR Test Location Data and Code
This dataset includes data and code used to test the efficacy of the high-resolution orthomosaic location recording (HOLR) method. HOLR was designed as a means of collecting sub-meter location data in the field with less equipment and expense than a sub-meter GNSS device requires, making it more practical for ecological research applications. Test location data was collected using HOLR, consumer-grade GPS receiver (as a comparison) and a high-accuracy global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver (the "true location").
Description of the data and file structure
Included here are the spatial data as shapefiles (.shp) files for the three types of location data (HOLR, GPS and GNSS), two .csv files that were produced as intermediate steps during data analysis (OTM Error Independent Long.csv and OTM GPS Locations.csv), and the R code used to process, analyze and visualize this data. Shapefiles (.shp) used in this study contain the geometry and attributes of geospatial features (e.g., points, lines, polylines, polygons). The file bundle contains the main file .shp and companion files including: .cpg, .dbf, .prj, .sbn, .sbx, .shx. To view the data you can open the .shp file with QGIS or similar. The Avenza Data folder holds shapefiles of the locations (points) collected by two observers (IA, LP) using the HOLR method across four test sessions (numbered 1-4); the GPS OTM All Sessions shapefile contains all the consumer-grade GPS locations (points) collected, and the GNSS OTM Combined shapefile contains all the high-accuracy GNSS locations (points) collected.
Variable Descriptions:
OTM Error Independent Long.csv
- Site - Unique ID for each target site
- Error - Distance in meters between location estimate and the actual location as measured by the high-accuracy GNSS reciever.
- Session - Which session (1-4) the location estimate was collected in
- Habitat - Landscape feature type class (Shrub, Wash, Precinct or Off-Precinct)
- Observer - Which observer or device estimated the location
- Type - Whether the estimate used HOLR (Mapping) or not (GPS)
OTM GPS Locations.csv
- Point - Target ID as recorded in the field (Note: some IDs were automatically converted to dates by Excel but this collumn is not necessary for the analyses; it has been retained so the R scripts work correctly.)
- Easting - Easting in meters using EPSG: 26911
- Northing - Northing in meters using EPSG: 26911
- site_num - Unique ID assigned to the target site (matches 'Site' variable in the OTM Error Independent Long.csv file)
- Session - Which session (1-4) the location estimate was collected in
- Device - Which GPS receiver collected the location estimate
GPS OTM ALL Sessions.shp
- Point - Target ID as recorded in the field (Note: some IDs were automatically converted to dates by Excel but this collumn is not necessary for the analyses)
- Easting - Easting in meters using EPSG: 26911
- Northing - Northing in meters using EPSG: 26911
- site_num - Unique ID assigned to the target site (matches 'Site' variable in the OTM Error Independent Long.csv file)
- Session - Which session (1-4) the location estimate was collected in
- Device - Which GPS receiver collected the location estimate
GNSS OTM Combined.shp
Note: this file has the raw output of the GNSS receiver collected using ESRI's now deprecated ArcGIS Collector app. Most collumns are full of zeros or other repeated values that are not used in any analysis. Defined below are the columns with relevant data. For more information on ESRI GNSS data fields see the ArcGIS Pro Add GPS Metadata Fields (Data Management) article at
- esrignss_p - Position source type (0 - unknown, 1 - user defined, 2 - integrated (system) location provider, 3 - external GNSS receiver, 4 - network location provider)
- esrignss_r - Receiver name
- esrignss_l - Latitude in EPSG: 6318 (Note: the locations were collected in EPSG: 6318 by the GNSS and converted into EPSG: 3857 by the ArcGIS Collector app. The data was converted into EPSG:26911 during processing which is what the shapefile is in.)
- esrignss_1 - Longitude in EPSG: 6318 (Note: the locations were collected in EPSG: 6318 by the GNSS and converted into EPSG: 3857 by the ArcGIS Collector app. The data was converted into EPSG:26911 during processing which is what the shapefile is in.)
- esrignss_a - Altitude in EPSG: 6318
- esrignss_6 - Date the location was collected (Note: the 'CreationDa' and 'EditDate' columns have the same dates)
- esrignss_7 - Average horizontal accuracy in meters
- esrignss_8 - Average vertical accuracy in meters
- esrignss_9 - Number of positions averaged
- esrigns_10 - Standard deviation in meters.
- site_num - Unique ID assigned to the target site (matches 'Site' variable in the OTM Error Independent Long.csv file)
- Session - Which session (1-4) the location estimate was collected in
- Habitat - Landscape feature type class (Shrub, Wash, Precinct or Off-Precinct)
- AllMapped - Binary indicating whether both observers and one of the GPS receivers all estimated that target's location or not (1 is yes, 0 is no). Targets that were not mapped by all three were excluded from analyses.
Sharing/Access information
Data was derived from the following sources:
- HOLR method using the Avenza Maps app with drone imagery (1.2 cm ground sampling distance or pixel size)
- Consumer-grade GPS devices (Garmin eTrex Vista and Garmin eTrex Legend-H)
- Eos Gold high-accuracy GNSS device with ESRI's ArcGIS Collector app
Two R scripts are included, numbered in order that they were used. The first processes the spatial data into a usable format, produces some intermediate .csv files and creates some preliminary figures. The second completes a formal accuracy analysis and a variaty of figures illustrating the analysis results.
Target Deployment
We deployed 2.5 cm x 15 cm painted copper pipes across the study site. These targets were operative thermal models (OTMs) that were primarily being deployed to measure temperature across the study site as part of a separate study, but they made suitable targets because the pipes were designed to approximate the size and appearance of a small, elongate animal, such as a lizard. We deployed approximately 28 targets in each of four sessions, each lasting roughly 4 weeks (total n = 111). We used a stratified random design to ensure the targets were located in or around a variety of landscape features present at the site, including on D. ingens burrow mounds (n = 63), off D. ingens burrow mounds (n = 12), under shrubs (n = 24), and in a wash (n = 12; Figure 5). The off-burrow feature types had few easily identifiable visual landmarks that observers could use while mapping locations (Figure 6a and b). The on-burrow feature type had some potential landmarks, including burrow entrances and disturbed dirt, but these were sometimes very similar to one another, reducing their utility as visual landmarks (Figure 6a, b and e). The shrub feature type always had at least one shrub present, but often more than one shrub was nearby, providing a number of landmarks to use when mapping (Figure 6c and e). Finally, the wash feature type had many visual landmarks, including shrubs, large rocks, and clear banks and ledges (Figure 6d and e). While most of the targets used were placed individually, the wash sites were placed in four groups of three (one group per session), with one target in the middle of the wash channel and one on each bank to better capture the effect of these topographic changes on temperature for a separate study. These targets were far enough apart that recording the location of one did not influence where an observer would record the other wash targets, so they were treated as independent targets. We used the Eos Arrow Gold RTK GNSS receiver to record the locations of all targets. All locations were recorded in ArcGIS Collector, averaging across 30 locations, and had an estimated error of 3 cm or less.
Target Mapping
Two observers recorded the locations of all targets at the beginning of each of the four sessions. This design allowed for the comparison of accuracy between observers and through time. Observers worked independently, without communicating about visual references around target locations during the survey. One observer had extensive prior experience using the Avenza app and a small amount of experience mapping onto UAV imagery from a pilot study. The other observer only had a brief training session on the app prior to this work, but otherwise had the education and experience typical of an ecology research assistant. We used this difference in experience to investigate the influence of experience on accuracy. In addition to mapping the target locations every four weeks (i.e., mapping sessions 1-4), both observers used the same HOLR method to regularly record locations of radio-collared G. sila at the study site, and so were gaining mapping experience for the duration of the study. The observers treated the targets as if they were live animals, staying at least 8 m away from the targets while recording their locations. It is important to avoid disturbing study organisms when collecting animal location data to avoid influencing their behavior or the data collected.
To provide a comparison to the most common method for recording locations in the field, we also recorded the location of each target using a Garmin eTrex Vista handheld GPS receiver for the first three sessions. During the third session this unit failed, so we switched to an eTrex Legend H (Garmin Ltd., Olathe, KS, USA) for the remainder of session 3 and all of session 4, such that we recorded 58 locations with the Vista and 53 with the Legend H. All locations were collected with the GPS receiver approximately two meters above the ground, clear of any obstructions. The receiver was held horizontally in this position for approximately ten seconds before collecting the location as a single point. We chose this approach to balance the desire for optimal GPS performance with the time constraints a researcher typically faces when tracking animals in the field. Full details on the HOLR workflow are available in supplemental information (Appendix S1).
Accuracy Analysis
Due to low sample sizes, we used summary statistics and visual assessments of the data to compare the accuracy of the GPS receivers against the two observers using HOLR. We used linear models and AIC scores to assess the influence of three variables on HOLR accuracy (Burnham and Anderson 2002). The distribution of error values was right skewed, so we used the natural log of error as the response variable for the models (Appendix S2). To explore how the presence of different landscape features might affect HOLR users’ performance, we included a categorical variable of landscape feature type with four levels (i.e., shrubs, wash, on-burrows, and off-burrows). We included observer as a categorical variable with two levels, to control for any differences in performance. Finally, to assess changes in performance over the duration of the study, we included session as a continuous variable. We created seven total models, using each unique combination of the three predictor variables. We used AIC scores to rank the models against each other, with lower scores indicating better models (Burnham and Anderson 2002).
Other Processing Notes:
The spatial data (Avenza, GNSS and GPS) is not processed other than the GNSS and GPS files merged across several collecting sessions. The OTM GPS Locations.csv file combines the location, target, session and device used for all GPS locations. The OTM Error Independent Long.csv file has the error for all mapped and GPS locations calculated in R, with targets that were close to another (i.e., not independent) removed and the data arranged in long format. See included R scripts for more processing details.