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Data from: Capture and release of Minke whales offers new research opportunities, including measurements of mysticete hearing

Data files

Aug 27, 2024 version files 2.46 GB


Predicting and mitigating anthropogenic ocean noise impacts on marine animals is hindered by a lack of information on hearing in these species. We established a catch-and-release program to temporarily hold adolescent Minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) for hearing tests during their summer migration. In 2023, two Minke whales provided measures of the auditory brainstem response and data on the frequency range of their hearing. Results show that Minke whales are sensitive to sound frequencies as high as 45 – 90 kHz. These tests provide information on the types of anthropogenic noise that could affect Minke whales and, at least, other related baleen whale species.