Effects of ecology on the sociality of coral dwelling gobies, genus Gobiodon
Data files
May 03, 2024 version files 686.95 KB
We developed a framework to assess how ecological factors affected the sociality of animals, and we used coral dwelling gobies (genus Gobiodon) to model this framework. We identifed four categories of sociality to compare: form of sociality, degree of sociality, social plasticity, and hierarchy maintenance. We tested global and local ecological factors from climatic disturbances to habitat size, and assessed how they affected the different categories of sociality. We combined the findings of each category to determine to outlook of social maintenance in the taxa when considering the ecological factors tested. For coral dwelling gobies, we found that there is a very poor outlook for their social maintenance with respect to climatic disturbances.
README: Effects of ecology on the sociality of coral dwelling gobies, genus Gobiodon
Brief summary of dataset contents:
-transect datasets from the different locations and the different years:
Each file has the transect ID, date, location, coordinates, species encountered, number of species encountered from gobies and corals, size of corals, extra notes. Each column has a different variable collected from each transect (as a row).
Lat | latitude | decimal degrees |
Long | longitude | decimal degrees |
Depth | depth at which the data was collected | meters |
GPS coordinate available - Y or N | if have GPS coordinates | y/n |
Date | date | day/month/year |
Year | year | year |
Dataset | month-year of survey | month-year |
Transect | type of transect used, either 30m line transect, or cross transect (4m) | n/a |
Cyclone | taken prior to the cyclones | n/a |
Site or Reef | site within the greater field location | n/a |
Site_NoSpace | site without spaces in the name | n/a |
SiteReclassed | more detailed site name given | n/a |
CompassHeading | direction that transect was layed out | n/a |
TransectNum or Transect# or OrderTransectNumber | transect number | n/a |
TransectID | id of transect with number included | n/a |
YrTransectID | id of transect with year and month and day | n/a |
Transect_ID_Marty | initial ID of transect with month day | n/a |
PicsTransect | picture numbers of photographs of the area around the transect | picture numbers |
StartWayPoint | waypoint on GPS made at the start of the transect | waypoint number |
StopWayPoint | waypoint on GPS made at the end of the transect | waypoint number |
Tag or coral tag | tag number given to coral sampled | n/a |
Surveyor | person who collected the data on transect | initials of person |
Coral spp | species of coral from Acropora | n/a |
x coral size (cm) | horizontal measure of coral length | cm |
y coral size (cm) | perpendicular measure horizontally from x coral size measure of coral length | cm |
z coral size (cm) | vertical measure of coral size from the base of the coral to the tips of coral | cm |
Avg Diam or Coral average diameter (cm) | average diameter of coral on perpendicular horizontal measures of coral kength and vertical measure of coral length | cm |
Goby spp | species of goby observed | n/a |
Color Morph | whether goby is paler than the rest of the species or has the vibrant colors associated normally with the species | pale or not pale |
GS | group size of gobies, not including juveniles | n/a |
Popn or Group size | group size of gobies including juveniles | n/a |
GS>2 | groups that have more than 2 adults | n/a |
Juveniles or JuvenileNum | number of juveniles in group | n/a |
juvenile? | if a juvenile was present in the group of gobies | n/a |
mixed? | if there were at least two different species living in a coral together | y/n |
Photo# | picture numbers of photographs of the coral | picture numbers |
Coral Health | classification of coral health based on Coral Health chart | n/a |
coralvideopic# | video of coral taken | video number |
non-breeders | number of nonbreeding adults/juveniles in group | n/a |
CoralGPS | gps waypoint number of coral | n/a |
Notes | additional notes related to data | n/a |
GS+Juv | number of adults and juveniles together | n/a |
-datasets of fish collected for size measurement from different locations:
Each file has the location, date, coordinates, species encountered, number of species encountered of gobies and corals, size of corals, size of gobies caught, sex of gobies, extra notes. Each column was a variable collected for each fish collected (as a row).
Date | date | day/month/year |
Lat or Latitude | latitude | decimal degrees |
Long or Longitude | longitude | decimal degrees |
Depth | depth at which the data was collected | meters |
Site or Reef | site within the greater field location | n/a |
CoralTag-metal | tag number given to coral sampled | n/a |
Waypoint | number of gps waypoint for the coral | n/a |
Transect No. | transect number | n/a |
TransectID | id of transect with number included | n/a |
heading | direction that transect was layed out | degree number correlated to direction |
Coral spp | species of coral from Acropora | n/a |
x (cm) | horizontal measure of coral length | cm |
y (cm) | perpendicular measure horizontally from x coral size measure of coral length | cm |
z (cm) | vertical measure of coral size from the base of the coral to the tips of coral | cm |
Avg Diam or Coral Avg Diameter (cm) | average diameter of coral on perpendicular horizontal measures of coral kength and vertical measure of coral length | cm |
Group Size with juveniles | group size of gobies including juveniles within the one species of goby collected | n/a |
GS - no juveniles | group size of gobies, not including juveniles | n/a |
Group Size | group size of gobies within the one species of goby collected | n/a |
PopN(all species) | group size of all individuals with a coral even if from other species | n/a |
JuvenilesOnly | number of juveniles in group | n/a |
mixedspeciesgrp | if there were at least two different species living in a coral together | y/n |
Goby spp | species of goby observed | n/a |
SL or Standard Length(mm) | standard length of goby collected | mm |
TL | total length of goby collected | mm |
Fin Tube | tube number in which fin clip was put | n/a |
body tube | tube number in which the body was put | n/a |
Notes | additional notes related to data | n/a |
CameraUsed | camera used for pictures | n/a |
CoralPhoto# | number of photographs of corals | picture numbers |
GobyPhoto# | number of photographs of gobies | picture numbers |
# DNA Samples per coral | number of DNA samples collected from fish | n/a |
fin clip | if a fin clip was collected from fish | y/n |
DNA Tube | tube number of DNA sample | n/a |
Side-Elastomer | side on the fish in which the tag was placed | n/a |
Color-Elastomer | color of tag in fish | n/a |
Position-Elastomer | if tag was placed at front, center or back of the dorsal fin | n/a |
IfElastomer | if the fish had a tag placed in it | y/n |
dead alive | if fish was dead or alive from collected | n/a |
Gender | gender of the fish collected | n/a |
Fish Color Shade | whether goby is paler than the rest of the species or has the vibrant colors associated normally with the species | pale or not pale |
Spp | species of goby collected | n/a |
pics | if pictures were taken for any other projects | n/a |
bleached? | if the coral was bleached or not upon observation | n/a |
Coral ID | ID number of coral collected from | n/a |
-R code for data analysis: annotated R markdown file that includes all analyses together. Run on Rstudio:
Description of the data and file structure
The datasets have clearly defined columns to identify the type of data collected everytime gobies or corals hosting gobies were encountered. For transect datasets, empty corals were also measured. For transect datasets (with 'GobyTransect' in the file name), each row represents a different coral encountered with all the information concerning the location, coral, and gobies encountered in that coral. For fish collection datasets (with 'GobyTag' in the file name), each row represents a different fish that was collected. For the R code, it is in an Rstudio markdown file. The data files that were used in data analysis have been truncated from the datasets on this Dryad upload to filter specifically what was to be compared for each analysis within the code.
As listed above, the R code used for data analysis is also within this dataset.
We collected data at three locations: Kimbe Bay in Papua New Guinea, Lizard Island in Australia, and One Tree Island in Australia. All work was completed under scuba diving. We completed surveys at Lizard Island along transects in 2014, 2018, 2020, 2022 and at One Tree Island in 2022 to determine the relationship between coral size, coral species, goby group size, and goby species. While under scuba, we also temporarily caught gobies in Lizard Island (2014), Kimbe Bay (2018), and One Tree Island (2019) to measure their sizes compared to their habitat size and group size and then returned them immediately to their corals.