Interplay between male quality and male-female compatibility across episodes of sexual selection
Data files
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The processes underlying mate choice profoundly influence the dynamics of sexual selection and the evolution of male sexual traits. Consistent preference for certain phenotypes may erode genetic variation in populations through directional selection, whereas divergent preferences (e.g., genetically compatible mates) provide one mechanism to maintain such variation. However, the relative contributions of these processes across episodes of selection remain unknown. Using Drosophila melanogaster, we followed the fate of male genotypes, previously scored for their overall reproductive value and their compatibility with different female genotypes, across pre- and postmating episodes of selection. When pairs of competitor males differed in their intrinsic quality and their compatibility with the female, both factors influenced outcomes from mating success to paternity but to a varying degree between stages. These results add further dimensions to our understanding of how the interactions between genotypes and forms of selection shape reproductive outcomes and ultimately reproductive trait evolution.
README: Data related to: Interplay between male quality and male-female compatibility across episodes of sexual selection (Mahdjoub et al.)
All experimental details are described in the Methods section of the paper. Essentially, we first experimentally assayed non-competitive and competitive fitness traits that allowed us to estimate male quality and the compatibility of these males with their corresponding females. All males and females were derived from pairwise crosses between isogenic lines to generate independent but replicable genotypes.
After determining the above two factors, we then competitively mated pairs of males with contrasting quality or compatibility scores to a single female, either simultaneously or sequentially, to quantify the relative contributions of the two scores to different stages of the reproductive process, from mate choice to paternity shares.
Description of the data and file structure
The dataset comes in multiple files, including the raw data, the bootstrapped quality and compatibility scores, and ultimately the datasets for the final analyses of the competitive mating experiments.
Here are the metadata for each file:
Term | Definition |
Female | Genotype of female |
Male | Genotype of male |
Replicate | Replicate within genotypic combination |
Color | Color of male |
ID | Combination ID |
InverseMatingLatency | Inverse mating latency in minutes |
Viability | Egg-to-adult viability |
TotalProgeny | Total progeny produced |
Term | Definition |
Code | Vial code (internal ID) |
FocalMale | Genotype of focal male |
Replicate | Replicate within group (replicates 1-4 with one set of standard females/rivals, replicates 5-8 with another) |
TotalProgenyFocal | Total number of progeny sired by focal male |
TotalProgenyRivals | Total number of progeny sired by competitor males |
Term | Definition |
Code | Vial code (internal ID) |
Male1 | Genotype of male 1 |
Male2 | Genotype of male 2 |
Replicate | Replicate within combination |
Outcome | Mating outcome from male 1's perspective (W = won, L = lost, T = tie) |
SuccessMale1 | Mating success of male 1 |
SuccessMale2 | Mating success of male 2 |
Term | Definition |
Color | Male color (GFP/RFP = green/red fluorescent protein) |
Male | Male genotype |
n | Number of bootstrap iterations |
QualityIndex | Bootstrapped quality index for each male genotype |
sd | Standard deviation of the bootstrapped mean value |
LCI | Lower 95% confidence limit of the boostrapped distribution |
UCI | Upper 95% confidence limit of the boostrapped distribution |
Term | Definition |
Color | Male color (GFP/RFP = green/red fluorescent protein) |
Male | Genotype of focal male |
Female | Genotype of focal female |
Combination | Male-female combination |
n | Number of bootstrap iterations |
CompatibilityIndex | Bootstrapped compatibility index for each male-female combination |
sd | Standard deviation of the bootstrapped mean value |
LCI | Lower 95% confidence limit of the boostrapped distribution |
UCI | Upper 95% confidence limit of the boostrapped distribution |
Term | Definition |
Code | Vial code (internal ID) |
MaleRFP | Genotype RFP male |
MaleGFP | Genotype GFP male |
Female | Genotype female |
MaleCombination | Male-male combination |
Trio | Trio ID |
Replicate | Replicate within trio |
Success_RFPMale | Mating success of RFP male (0=not mated, 1=mated) |
Success_GFPMale | Mating success of GFP male (0=not mated, 1=mated) |
DifQualityIndex | Difference in quality scores between competitor males (standardized at mean=0, SD=1) |
DifCompatibilityIndex | Difference in compatibility scores between competitor males (standardized at mean=0, SD=1) |
Quality_Female | Female reproductive value (standardized at mean=0, SD=1) |
Success | Mating success (RFP as focal male, but NA for trios with no mating -> response variable) |
Term | Definition |
Code | Vial code (internal ID) |
Female | Genotype female |
Male1 | Genotype of first male to mate |
Male2 | Genotype of second male to mate |
MatingCombination | Male-male combination considering mating order |
MaleCombination | Male-male combination without mating order (same ID for reverse order of same male-male pair) |
Trio | Trio ID |
ColorMale1 | Color of the first male (to control for mating order: G/R = green/red fluorescent protein) |
Replicate | Replicate within trio |
PriorProgeny | Number of progeny produced before remating |
RematingInterval | Remating interval in days |
EjectionLatency | Time from mating to female sperm ejection in minutes |
SpermEjectedMale1 | Number of first-male sperm ejected by the female |
SpermEjectedMale2 | Number of second-male sperm ejected by the female |
SpermInSRMale1 | Number of first-male sperm stored in female SR after sperm ejection |
SpermInSRMale2 | Number of second-male sperm stored in female SR after sperm ejection |
ResidentSperm | Total number of first-male sperm still in storage at the time of mating |
SpermTransferred | Total number of sperm transferred by the second male at female remating |
difQualityIndex | Difference in quality scores between competitor males (standardized at mean=0, SD=1) |
difCompatibilityIndex | Difference in compatibility scores between competitor males (standardized at mean=0, SD=1) |
Quality_Female | Female reproductive value (standardized at mean=0, SD=1) |
Term | Definition |
Code | Vial code (internal ID) |
Female | Genotype RFP male |
Male1 | Genotype GFP male |
Male2 | Genotype female |
ColorMale1 | Color of the first male (to control for mating order: G/R = green/red fluorescent protein) |
MaleCombination | Male-male combination |
Trio | Trio ID |
Replicate | Replicate within trio |
PriorProgeny | Number of progeny produced before remating |
RematingInterval | Remating interval in days |
ProgenyMale1 | Number of first-male progeny produced during three days after remating |
ProgenyMale2 | Number of second-male progeny produced during three days after remating |
DifQualityIndex | Difference in quality scores between competitor males (standardized at mean=0, SD=1) |
DifCompatibilityIndex | Difference in compatibility scores between competitor males (standardized at mean=0, SD=1) |
Quality_Female | Female reproductive value (standardized at mean=0, SD=1) |
Exclude | Exclude row (0=no, 1=yes) for reanalysis with >0 second-male progeny (due to uncertainty whether or not sperm were transferred) |
We conducted a series of experiments, which involved live observations (e.g. occurrence and timing of copulation between focal individuals or ejection of sperm mass by females) and quantification of offspring or sperm under a fluorescence stereoscope or microscope, respectively. Sperm in storage were counted following dissection of the female reproductive tract.
Usage notes
All analyses were conducted in R using established packages.