Data from: Rapid evolution of prehistoric dogs from wolves by natural and sexual selection emerges from an agent-based model
Data files
Dec 21, 2024 version files 60.43 MB
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Wolves are among the earliest animals to be domesticated. However, the mechanism by which ancient wolves were domesticated into modern dogs is unknown. The prevailing domestication hypotheses are that humans selectively bred the wolves that were more docile. However, a competing hypothesis states that wolves which were less hostile towards humans would essentially domesticate themselves by naturally selecting for tamer wolves, since that would allow for easier access to food from human settlements. A major critique of the latter hypothesis is whether evolution by this natural selective pathway could have occurred in a sufficiently short time span. Simulating the process would help demonstrate if such an objection is sufficient to dismiss this hypothesis. Thus, we constructed an agent-based model of evolution of a single trait, a measure of human tolerance, in canines to test the merit of the time constraint objection. We tested scenarios both with and without mate preference to provide a potential sexual selective force. We used fecundity and mortality rates from the literature for validation. Hartigan's Dip Test for Unimodality was used to measure if and when divergence of populations occurred. Our results indicate that the proto-domestication hypothesis cannot be rejected on the basis of time constraints.
README: Rapid Evolution of Prehistoric Dogs from Wolves by Natural and Sexual Selection Emerges from an Agent-Based Model
Here, we provide the necessary .py files to recreate the results found in the above-entitled manuscript. If you desire to load the data provided, it's recommended you use pandas 2.0.3 and python 3.10.13.
Nearly all .py files will require you have file in the base directory. This .py file enacts the ABM as described in the manuscript. All other .py files should be placed in the same base directory.
You should construct a data folder and a figures folder in the base directory. In the data folder create an efast, prcc, and a monotonicity subfolder. These exists so you do not have to re-run the efast, prcc, or monotonicity simulations. In the figures folder create subfolders for default_distributions, distributions, efast, monotonicity, prcc, validation, and verification. Any figures generated will be produced in the corresponding figures sub-folder.
- To run a single realization of the model you can run
- The results can be pickled and stored in the data folder (outside of a subfolder) for later plotting. Otherwise, if you want a rough graph from a single run directly, you can simply run
- To run several realizations of the model at the default parameter value you can run
- To perform the model verification (as described in the manuscript) you can run
- To perform the model validation (as described in the manuscript) you can run
- To perform the monotonicity check (as described in the manuscript) you can run
- When you run this file with the -m "generate" option it will create a master_df.pickle file in the data/monotonicity folder. This file serves as a record of all model realizations for the monotonicity check, their parameter values, and if speciation occurred, when it occurred, etc.
- The -m "parse" argument is used to scrub the master_df.pickle file for your data to be ready for plotting.
- To perform the LHS and PRCC sensitivity analysis (as described in the manuscript) you can run
- When you run this file with the -m "generate" option it will create a master_df.pickle file in the data/prcc folder. This file serves as a record of all model realizations for this type of sensitivity analysis, their parameter values, and if speciation occurred, when it occurred, etc.
- The -m "parse" argument is used to scrub the master_df.pickle file for your data to be ready for plotting.
- To perform the efast sensitivity analysis (as described in the manuscript) you can run
- If you do not want to perform the simulations yourself, the master_df.pickle file is provided in the data/efast folder. This file serves as a record of all model realizations for this type of sensitivity analysis, their parameter values, and if speciation occurred, when it occurred, etc. If you re-run with the argument -m "generate" it will generate a new master_df.pickle file and begin running these samples through the model. If you need to interrupt your progress as these samples are running, you can simply continue with the generate option.
- The -m "parse" argument is used to scrub the master_df.pickle file for your data to be ready for plotting.
- There are a number of .ipynb files names These files simply plot the results provided in the manuscript.
All python scripts are readily available in this GitHub repository: david-elzinga/dog_evolution. The efast master_df.pickle file is provided in this repository on Dryad due to its stochasticity in reproduction.
This dataset is entirely the result of synthetic, in-silico experiments. It was collected by running the provided Python code. Additional documentation is provided in this GitHub repository: david-elzinga/dog_evolution