Data from: Meiotic drive does not impede success in sperm competition in the stalk-eyed fly, Teleopsis dalmanni
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Male X-linked meiotic drive systems, which cause the degeneration of Y-bearing sperm, are common in the Diptera. Sperm killing is typically associated with fitness costs that arise from the destruction of wildtype sperm and collateral damage to maturing drive sperm, resulting in poor success under sperm competition. We investigate X-linked meiotic drive fertility in the stalk-eyed fly, Teleopsis dalmanni. Drive male paternity was measured in double mating trials under sperm competition against a wild-type male. Drive males sired the same number of offspring as wildtype males, both when mated first or second. This is the first evidence that drive males can compete equally with non-drive males in double matings, challenging the assumption that drive males inevitably suffer reduced fertility. The finding is in accord with previous work showing that the number of sperm per ejaculate transferred to females during non-competitive single matings does not differ between drive and wildtype males, which is likely due to the adaptive evolution of enlarged testes in drive males. Future experiments will determine whether the competitive ability of drive males is maintained under higher rates of female remating likely to be experienced in nature.
README: Meiotic drive does not impede success in sperm competition in the stalk-eyed fly, Teleopsis dalmanni
Sadé Bates, Lara Meade, Andrew Pomiankowski, Meiotic drive does not impede success in sperm competition in the stalk-eyed fly, Teleopsis dalmanni, Evolution, Volume 77, Issue 10, October 2023, Pages 2326–2333,
Description of the data and file structure
This archive contains the datasets accompanying the study at The data are presented in two .csv files: ‘sperm_comp1_by_male_id’ and ‘sperm_comp1_by_brood’. Each brood comprises one female and two males, so each female id represents one brood.
Files and variables
One row corresponds to one male, one mating with the female.
female_id: Unique identifier for each female.
male_id: Unique identifier for each male.
male_genotype: male genotype, SR (drive) or ST (standard, wildtype).
mating_position: whether the male was first (P1), or second (P2) to mate with the female in each pairing.
Male trait measurements columns –
thorax: Male thorax length, defined as the distance from the base of the head to the posterior edge of the thorax (mm).
eyespan: Male eyespan, defined as the distance between the outermost tips of the eyes (mm).
residual_eyespan: Male relative eyespan, the variation eyespan length not explained by body size. Residuals are taken from a linear model of eyespan ~ thorax (described in the statistical methods of the paper).
measuring_note: note on the quality of trait measurements.
Offspring columns –
SR_offspring: the number of offspring sired by the SR male, as determined by genetic markers.
ST_offspring: the number of offspring sired by the ST male, as determined by genetic markers.
total_offspring: the total number of offspring sired by the ST and SR male per brood
proportion_SR: the proportion of offspring per brood
P2_genotype: the genotype of the second male to mate (P2 male): SR (drive) or ST (standard, wildtype)
Mating observation columns –
mating_duration_sec: the observed duration of copulation in seconds.
batch: the batch number that the mating trial was conducted in.
One row corresponds to one reciprocal mating (brood) and the paternity outcome. One row has data for the two males that mated with the female. The male data is listed by mating order and genotype for later analysis.
female_id: Unique identifier for each female.
batch: the batch number that the mating trial was conducted in.
Offspring sired by male genotype –
SR_offspring: the number of offspring sired by the SR male, as determined by genetic markers.
ST_offspring: the number of offspring sired by the ST male, as determined by genetic markers.
total_offspring: the total number of offspring sired by the ST and SR male per brood.
proportion_SR: the proportion of offspring sired by the SR male per brood.
Offspring sired by mating position –
P1_offspring: the number of offspring sired by the first male to mate (P1), as determined by genetic markers.
P2_offspring: the number of offspring sired by the second male to mate (P2), as determined by genetic markers.
proportion_P2: the proportion of offspring sired by the P2 male per brood.
P2 male information –
male_id.P2: Unique identifier for the second male to mate (P2 male).
male_genotype.P2: genotype of the second male to mate, SR (drive) or ST (standard, wildtype).
mating_duration_sec.P2: the observed duration of the P2 male copulation in seconds.
thorax.P2: P2 male thorax length, defined as the distance from the base of the head to the posterior edge of the thorax (mm).
eyespan.P2: P2 male eyespan, defined as the distance between the outermost tips of the eyes (mm).
P1 male information –
male_id.P1: Unique identifier for the first male to mate (P1 male).
male_genotype.P1: genotype of the first male to mate, SR (drive) or ST (standard, wildtype).
mating_duration_sec.P1: the observed duration of the P1 male copulation in seconds.
thorax.P1: P1 male thorax length, defined as the distance from the base of the head to the posterior edge of the thorax (mm).
eyespan.P1: P1 male eyespan, defined as the distance between the outermost tips of the eyes (mm).
SR male information –
male_id.SR: Unique identifier for the SR male to mate with female per brood.
mating_position.SR: whether the mating position of the SR male, was first (P1), or second (P2) per brood.
mating_duration_sec.SR: the observed duration of the SR male copulation in seconds.
thorax.SR: SR male thorax length, defined as the distance from the base of the head to the posterior edge of the thorax (mm).
eyespan.SR: SR male eyespan, defined as the distance between the outermost tips of the eyes (mm).
ST male information –
male_id.ST: Unique identifier for the ST male to mate with female per brood.
mating_position.ST: whether the mating position of the ST male, was first (P1), or second (P2) per brood.
mating_duration_sec.ST: the observed duration of the ST male copulation in seconds.
thorax.ST: ST male thorax length, defined as the distance from the base of the head to the posterior edge of the thorax (mm).
eyespan.ST: ST male eyespan, defined as the distance between the outermost tips of the eyes (mm).
Missing data code: NA
Any software that opens .csv format files can be used to view the two datasets.
All statistical tests described in the accompanying article ( were carried out in R version 4.1.2 (R Core Team, 2021). Full models are listed in the Supplementary data file. This information should exactly produce the results quoted in the paper.
The data corresponds to 62 mating trial observations and paternity outcomes from mating trials in which one female was mated to 2 males of different genotypes, and the paternity of offspring was assessed. Data was recorded in separate CSV files, which were combined in R version 4.1.2 to produce one 'long' data set with mating trial results arranged by a male identifier (i.e. two rows per female identifier) and one 'wide' data set with mating trial results arranged by brood (female identifier).
Usage notes
The data are formatted as two comma-separated-value (CSV) text files, which open with a wide range of programs, including any program that works with plain text like the Notepad or TextEdit app. The authors performed all statistical analyses in R version 4.1.2.