Data from: Seed dispersal of Madagascar's iconic baobab species, Adansonia grandidieri
Data files
Aug 26, 2024 version files 128.88 KB
Certain plant species have traits adapted for seed dispersal by megafauna, which may be absent in their current ranges. Characterizing the dispersal mechanism of such plant species can provide insights about their population dynamics and regeneration. We investigated the effectiveness of the extant fauna as seed dispersers of the Malagasy baobab, Adansonia grandidieri, which have megafaunal dispersal traits. We documented the animal species that interact with its fruits and seeds in the canopy and on the ground through direct observations, camera trapping, opportunistic search of feces with seeds, and dispersal experiments. We also estimated seed fate using a model parameterized with data obtained through experiments on seed removal and seed germination under and away from adult A. grandidieri trees. Further, we examined the impacts of seed dispersal in mitigating herbivore pressures on A. grandidieri seedling through an exclosure experiment. We did not find animals interacting with fruits in the canopy. However, we observed a native rodent species, Eliurus myoxinus, handling fruits/seeds on the ground, and found seeds in bush pig feces. Also, while the rates of germination for the dispersed A. grandidieri seeds were low, their probability of producing viable seedlings was higher than when the seeds stayed under adult trees. We also found that the seedlings of A. grandidieri had a high probability of surviving even when herbivores were present. Overall, our results provide insights into the regeneration of A. grandidieri and suggest that some extant local ground-dwelling fauna can provide seed dispersal services to this species.
README: Data from: Seed dispersal of Madagascar's iconic baobab species, Adansonia grandidieri
Description of the data and file structure
This dataset contains data about seed dispersal experiments on the ground using baobab fruits, seeds with pulp, and seeds without pulps, as well as information about baobab fruit and seed crops and seedling survival.
Files and variables
sd data 1
Data from the dispersal experiment on the ground.
- site: Site where the experiment was conducted
- ID Station: Unique identifier of the experimental plot
- Fruit Seed: whether the propagule used in the experiment was a fruit or a seed with pulp
- ID Fruit Seed: unique identifier of each fruit and seed
- predated station: whether the propagule was predated at the experimental plot where it was initially set-up (yes/no). NA means that we do not have evidence of the seed being predated as it may have been removed.
- removed: whether the propagule was removed or not from the experimental plot (yes/no)
- predated away: whether the propagule was predated or not when recovered after being removed from its initial location (yes/no). NA means that we do not have evidence of the seed being predated as it may have been found, was not removed from the initial location so it could not have been predated away or was not found to determine its status.
- Max distance: the maximum distance the propagule was removed (in cm). NA means that we did not recover the seed so we do not have a distance value
- removed 10: whether the propagule was removed more than 10cm from its initial location or not
Data about the fruit and seed crop
- site: Site where data were collected
- Baobab ID: Unique identifier of each adult baobab tree
- Number of ripe fruits on the ground: count of the number of ripe fruits found on the ground under the crown of each baobab tree
- number of seeds inside one ripe fruit: count of the number of seeds within a randomly selected ripe fruit from the baobab tree (the fruit may have been taken on the ground or from the canopy)
sd data 2
Data from the second set of dispersal experiments on the ground, in which only seeds without pulp were used.
- ID Station: Unique identifier of the experimental plot
- ID Fruit Seed: unique identifier of each fruit and seed
- predated station: whether the propagule was predated at the experimental plot where it was initially set-up (yes/no). NA means that we do not have evidence of the seed being predated as it may have been removed.
- removed: whether the propagule was removed or not from the experimental plot
- recovered: whether the propagule was recovered or not after being removed from the experimental plot where it was initially set-up. NA means that the seed was not revemod from the initial location so there is no data on its recovery.
- predated away: whether the propagule was predated or not when recovered after being removed from its initial location (yes/no). NA means that we do not have evidence of the seed being predated as it may have been found, was not removed from the initial location so it could not have been predated away or was not found to determine its status.
- removed 10: whether the propagule was removed more than 10cm from its initial location or not
germination 1
Data from the germination experiments.
- category: location of the experiment, whether under a baobab tree or not (away)
- IDstation: Unique identifier of each plot for the germination experiment
- germinated: whether the seeds germinated or not
- count: count of seeds in each germination category
- total: total number of seeds planted
- prop: proportion of seeds that germinated or not
Data about the survival of seedlings from the germination experiments
- category: location of the experiment, whether under a baobab tree or not (away)
- IDstation: Unique identifier of each plot for the germination experiment
- survived: whether the seedlings survived or not
- count.germinated: count of seeds that germinated
- count: count of seedlings in each survival category
- prop: proportion of seedlings that survived or not. NA means that no seedlings germinated so there is no count of seedlings that survived or not
germination 2
Data from the exclosure experiments.
- site: Site where the experiment was conducted
- Baobab ID: Unique identifier of the seed used in this experiment (and its associated seedling)
- Sub category: Exclosure type
- death status: whether the seedling was alive or not at the end of the experiment. NA means that no seedlings germinated so there is no count of seedlings that survived or not
- surv time: survival time (in days)