Floral visitors and pollinators of Silene migjornensis
Data files
Nov 26, 2024 version files 38.52 KB
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This dataset contains data on the floral visitor surveys conducted on Silene migjornensis in the population of Sa Ràpita (Mallorca, western Mediterranean Basin) during the flowering season of 2024 as well as data on the taxonomic identification and pollen load of collected specimens (number of pollen grains of S. migjornensis and other pollen grains loaded).
README: Floral visitors and pollinators of Silene migjornensis
Description of the data and file structure
Files and variables
File: Silene-migjornensis_pollinators.xlsx
Description: Floral visitor surveys
- Date: date of census
- Solar time: time of each census
- Census number
- No. of floral visitors/100 flowers: number of floral visitors counted on a group of 100 flowers
Description: Taxa and pollen load
- Order: order to which the specimen corresponds
- Family: family to which the specimen corresponds
- Taxon: lowest taxonomic level that could be identified
- Date: date of the specimen was captured
- Capture method: manually collected on flowers vs. captured from light traps.
- Solar time: time at which the specimen was collected
- Floral phase: floral phase on which the specimen was captured. Consequently, this information is available for the floral visitors captured directly on flowers and cells are empty in the case of floral visitors captured from the light traps.
- Pollen grains of * Silene migjornensis*: number of pollen grains of * Silene migjornensis* loaded on the body surface of the floral visitor
- Pollen grains of other plant species: number of pollen grains of other plant species loaded on the body surface of the floral visitor
'n/a' means 'not available'
Microsoft Office 365
Direct captures of floral visitors observed on S. migjornensis flowers and indirect captures using a light tramp for nocturnal pollinators (Robinson Mercury Moth Trap) were conducted in the natural population in Platja de sa Ràpita (29º 21’N 2º 57’S), once or twice a week during April 2024. Floral visitor surveys were conducted at 2-hour intervals from 18:00 to 4:00 solar time in four non-consecutive days along the flowering period. In each survey, the number of floral visitors on five groups of 100 flowers were recorded. Captured floral visitors were frozen for taxonomic identification and pollen load analyses.
Reagarding pollen load analyses, pollen was extracted from the body surface using cubes of fuchsine glycerogelatin. The gel cube was rubbed to the body surface, heated to melt, and mounted on a slide for pollen counting and identification under a stereomicroscope. To standardise the pollen counts, four fields of view were counted using a 4x magnification objective. Pollen identification was performed by comparison with a pollen library, which included co-flowering plant species from the study site and the surroundings. For each specimen captured directly on flowers, pollinator efficacy (calculated as the number of pollen grains of S. migjornensis) and pollen fidelity (calculated as the percentage of S. migjornensis pollen grains relative to the total pollen load) were determined.