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Annual mortality and growth index for 17 tree species across entire size classes in the Ogawa Forest Reserve, an old-growth deciduous forest, central Japan


We estimated demographic parameters across entire size classes for 17 tree species (Betula, Carpinus, Fagus, Quercus, Castanea, Acer, Cerasus, Swida, Kalopanax, and Styrax) using a dataset over 18 years obtained from the Ogawa Forest Reserve, an old-growth deciduous forest located in the southern part of the Abukuma Mountains, Ibaraki Prefecture, central Japan (36° 56', 140° 35', 610 m in elevation) 1). Size classes were represented by 12 categories defined based on age, height, and diameter at breast height (DBH): new seedling (age < 1), aged seedling (age ≥ 1 and height < 30 cm), sapling (height 30 cm to 2 m), juvenile (height ≥ 2 m and DBH < 5 cm), D10 (DBH 5–15 cm, D10 was denoted by the midpoint of this range; later classes were similarly defined), D20, D30, D40, D50, D60, D70, and D80 (including trees with DBH ≥ 85 cm). We derived the annual mortality and growth index (i.e., the probability of a living tree transitioning to the next size class) for each species and size class using estimates of transition probabilities between size classes (i.e., stasis, progression and retrogression)2). The stem densities of these 17 species in each size class are also presented3).

File list

1) dataset - number of trees stagnating, progressing and retrogressing by size class.csv

2) estimates - mean and 95 percent credible intervals of demographic parameters by species and size class.csv

3) estimates - mean density of stems by species and size class.csv