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Data from: Experimental brood enlargement differentially influences the magnitude of the corticosterone stress response in closely related, co‐occurring songbirds

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Apr 09, 2019 version files 235.81 KB


1. Rearing environments can shape offspring phenotype across taxa, yet little is known about how brood size influences hypothalamic-pituitary axis functioning, whether its expression trades off with growth, and the degree to which these relationships vary between species. 2. We evaluated how brood size influenced nestling physiological (glucocorticoids) and somatic traits (growth), and the extent to which these relationships differed between two closely related, sympatric songbirds when experiencing identical rearing environments. Specifically, we used a cross-fostering approach to alter brood size and create an experimental gradient of nestmate competition, and then tested whether experimentally manipulated brood sizes resulted in nestlings with altered concentrations of corticosterone and if corticosterone responses traded off with growth. 3. Nestlings of both species experienced elevated concentrations of baseline and stressor-induced corticosterone when raised in enlarged broods, relative to control and reduced broods, but neither measurement was found to trade off with growth or be linked to survival to fledging. 4. In contrast, we found divergence in the magnitude of the corticosterone stress response between species across all brood treatments, with greater stressor-induced corticosterone concentrations found in the Violet-green Swallow (Tachycineta thalassina) relative to the closely related Tree Swallow (T. bicolor). 5. Our study demonstrated that brood size can lead to changes in offspring corticosterone concentrations in swallows, and that nestlings of sympatric species, even those that are closely related and ecologically similar, can diverge in their corticosterone stress response when experiencing identical rearing conditions. 6. We conclude that corticosterone appears to play a key role for balancing energetic demands that arise in the face of nestmate competition in Tachycineta swallows, and that elevated concentrations of corticosterone may enhance offspring survival during challenging environmental conditions, such as when brood competition is strong.