Data from: Identification of a bacterial pathogen associated with Porites white patch syndrome in the Western Indian Ocean
Data files
Jul 21, 2015 version files 345.08 KB
Bacterial candidates (Infection trials).fasta
12.62 KB
Consensus tree (concatanation).newick
769 B
MLST alignment.fasta
43.64 KB
Nucleotide alignment (16S rRNA gene).fasta
26.26 KB
Nucleotide alignment (pyrH gene).fasta
8.86 KB
PWPS bacterial cultures (corresponding codes and blast results).xlsx
17.54 KB
PWPS bacterial cultures.fasta
232.92 KB
Tree for the 16S rRNA gene.newick
1.36 KB
Tree for the pyrH gene.newick
1.11 KB
Porites white patch syndrome (PWPS) is a coral disease recently described in the western Indian Ocean. This study aimed to isolate and identify potential pathogens associated with PWPS utilising both culture and non-culture screening techniques and inoculation trials. A total of 14 bacterial strains (those dominant in disease lesions, absent or rare in healthy tissues and considered potential pathogens in a previous study) were cultured and used to experimentally inoculate otherwise healthy individuals in an attempt to fulfil Henle-Koch's postulates. However, only one (P180R), identified as closely related (99-100% sequence identity based on 1.4 kb 16S RNA sequence) to Vibrio tubiashii, elicited signs of disease in tank experiments. Following experimental infection (which resulted in a 90% infection rate), the pathogen was also successfully re-isolated from the diseased tissues and re-inoculated in healthy corals colonies, therefore fulfilling the final stages of Henle-Koch's postulates. Finally we report that PWPS appears to be a temperature-dependent disease, with significantly higher tissue loss (ANOVA: df= 2, F=39.77, P<0.01) occurring at 30°C (1.45 ± 0.85 cm2 day−1 (mean ± SE)) compared to ambient temperatures of 28°C and 26°C (0.73 ± 0.80 cm2 day−1 (mean ± SE) and 0.51 ± 0.50 cm2 day−1 (mean ± SE), respectively).