Scaling of metabolic rate in hibernators: Translation of literature data: For a comment to Nespolo et al. (2022)
Data files
Aug 04, 2022 version files 366.08 KB
This spreadsheet provides a translation of data from the literature for the manuscript: Do bears hibernate in the woods? Comment on ‘Why bears hibernate? Redefining the scaling energetics of hibernation’, and includes both the background data for Figure 1 which is presented in the manuscript.
Full reference for article it is commented on: Nespolo, R. F., Mejias, C., and Bozinovic, F. Why bears hibernate? Redefining the scaling energetics of hibernation. Proc. R. Soc. B. 2022; 289(1973):20220456. We have made corrections to the data in the original article's Table S1, and translated empirical BMR data from literature instead of calculating a regression line from White, C.R. & Seymour, R.S. (2003). This changes the body mass where regression lines for Log (DDEHIB) and Log(BMR) cross, and thus where no savings from hibernation can be expected, from 75 kg to over 2,250 kg and shows that bears hibernate to save energy.
Translation/combination of literature data, no new data were generated.
Usage notes
Microsoft Excel, Also opens with LibreOffice Calc (with some inaccuracies in layout of graph labels).