Data from: Testing the heat treatment dose for Agrilus planipennis prepupae using the Humble water bath
Data files
Dec 06, 2023 version files 1.62 MB
The lethal heat treatment dose (time and temperature) for the pre-pupal life stage of Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), emerald ash borer, was determined through an in vitro application using a carefully calibrated heat treatment apparatus. The lethal and sublethal effects of heat on A. planipennis prepupae were assessed through a ramped heat delivery application, simulating industrial kilns and conventional heat chamber operations, for treatments combining target temperatures of 54 °C, 55 °C, and 56 °C, and exposure durations of 0 min (i.e., kiln temperature ramp only), 15 min, or 30 min. Prepupal emerald ash borer larvae did not survive exposure to 56 °C for 15 min or longer, or to 55 °C for 30 min. Sublethal effects were observed for all other treatments. Sublethal effects included delayed development and failure to complete the pupal and adult life stages. The datasets and associated R statistical computing langauge code are deposited here.
README: Data from: Testing the heat treatment dose for Agrilus planipennis prepupae using the Humble water bath
Data are observations on post-treatment survival of emerald ash borer larvae exposed to heat in a water bath. The experiments were used to determine the optimal heating conditions for treatment of wood infested with the insect. The insects were exposed to one of three temperatures (54, 55 or 56 C) for a set period (0, 15 or 30 minutes) and then, along with unexposed control insects, were observed to determine if they died or transitioned to the next stage of development (i.e., pupated). The data were analysed with survival models to determine if temperature and duration of treatment had an effect on survival and the probability of pupating.
Description of data and file structure
There are 6 files in total: 1 ReadMe file, 2 data files and 3 associated code files (See Code/Software section). This file.
heatTreat_larvaldata.csv: Records for each emerald ash borer larvae used in the experiments. These data were assembled from experimental notes and laboratory records held in .xls files. The data have been prepared in 'tidy' format after extraction from the original records.
Description of fields:
- []numeric; The row number for each record.
- [study] text; Either 'pilot study' or 'main study'; the experiment within which the data were collected (matches to 'Experiment 1' & 'Experiment 2' in the associated manuscript).
- [uniqueID] text; A unique ID code given to each individual.
- [treatment]text; Either 54, 55 or 56; the temperature to which each insect was treated.
- [replicateID text; Either A, B, or C; the code assigned to each replicate within an experiment.
- [duration] text; Either 0, 15, 30 or C; the length of time each insect was treated for. In the case of 'C' denotes the insect was in the unexposed control and was not exposed to the experimental conditions.
- [weight_g] double; Weight, in grams, of each insect before treatment.
- [larvaeAlive_10] binary (1,0); Denotes if the insect lived(1) or died(0) as a larvae after treatment.
- [pupalStage_10] binary (1,0); Denotes if the insect entered the pupal stage (1) or not (0) after treatment.
- [adultStage_10] binary (1,0); Denotes if the insect entered the adult stage (1) or not (0) after treatment (adult here meaning the insect took on the teneral form of EAB, see text of associated manuscript for further explanation).
- [cork] text; a temporary unique identifier assigned during treatment. This number was written on a cork that sealed the vial that contained the insect, hence the name (not recorded for insects in the pilot experiment and given as NA), not used in analyses.
- [bathPosition] text; The location in the Humble water bath where the insect was treated (not recorded for insects in the pilot experiment and given as NA), not used in analyses.
- [dishAndLarvae_weight_g] double; Weight, in grams, of the insect and the dish used to weigh it (not recorded for insects in the pilot experiment and given as NA), not used in analyses.
- [origin] text; A code combining the month and date insects were shipped, and the tray number the insects were shipped in (not recorded for insects in the pilot experiment and given as NA), not used in analyses.
- [larvaeLifespan_days] integer; Time each insect spent as a larvae after treatment, in days (not recorded in the raw data for insects in the pilot experiment and given as NA).
- [larvaeToPupae_days] integer; Time elapsed after treatment until insect pupated, in days (not recorded in the raw data for insects in the pilot experiment and given as NA).
- [pupaeToAdult_days] integer; Time elapsed after treatment until insect entered adult phase, in days (not recorded in the raw data for insects in the pilot experiment and given as NA).
- [totalLifespan_days] integer; insect's lifespan after treatment, in days. (not recorded in the raw data for insects in the pilot experiment and given as NA).
heatTreat_observations.csv: Observation records of each emerald ash borer larvae after treatment and their ultimate fate. These data were assembled from experimental notes and laboratory records held in .xls files. The data have been prepared in 'tidy' format after extraction from the original data files.
Description of fields:
- []numeric; The row number for each record.
- [study] text; Either 'pilot study' or 'main study'; the experiment within which the data were collected (matches to 'Experiment 1' & 'Experiment 2' in the associated manuscript).
- [uniqueID] text; A unique ID code given to each individual. Allows records in this file to be cross referenced against the records for each experimental subject in 'heatTreat_larvaedata.csv'.
- [timeOfObservation_hour] integer; Time, in hours, when insect was checked and its status assessed.
- [status] text; Either 0,1,2 or '-'; Code used to denote if insect evidenced movement (0); an injury (1) or was not moving (2) when checked; "-' denotes no observation at that time point.
- [notes] text; observations about each insect when it was checked, 'NA' denotes no notes were recorded.
Sharing/Access Information
There are no other available versions of the data.
The data were analyzed using the R statistical computing environment and associated library packages authored for R. All analyses were done within the RStudio IDE. Associated files (not in repository) were used to generate figures in the associated manuscript.
analysis_pretreatmentLarvalWeights.R: R statistical computing language script; Conducts an analysis of the weight of larvae in each replicate before treatment. Used to determine if weight was required as a covariate. See comments in file for more detail. Requires heatTreat_larvaldata.csv & the R package 'tidyverse
analysis_sampleSize.R: R statistical computing language script; Conducts an analysis of the sample size in each replicate. Used to compute summary statistics for associated manuscript. See comments in file for more detail. Requires heatTreat_larvaldata.csv & the R package 'tidyverse
analysis_survivalFollowingTreatment_probabilityOfPupation.R: R statistical computing language script; Conducts a Cox proportional hazards analysis of the larval survival data. For pilot experiment/experiment 1 also determines critical values for survival analysis from raw observations in heatTreat_observations.csv. See comments in file for more detail. Requires heatTreat_larvaldata.csv, heatTreat_observations.csv & the R packages 'tidyverse
' & 'survminer
The data are observations on post-treatment survival of emerald ash borer larvae exposed to heat in a water bath. The experiments were used to determine the optimal heating conditions for treatment of wood infested with the insect. The insects were exposed to one of three temperatures (54, 55 or 56 C) for a set period (0, 15 or 30 minutes) and then, along with unexposed control insects, were observed to determine if they died or transitioned to the next stage of development (i.e., pupated). The data were analysed with survival models to determine if temperature and duration of treatment had an effect on survival and the probability of pupating. Insects were observed every 24-72 h, pretreatment weight was also determined.
Usage notes
The associated analysis code was prepared in the R statistical computing language and require an instance of R to run. The 'tidyverse', 'rms' and 'survminer' libraries are required in some of the R code files. Data are in .csv files.