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Data from: Regulation of body reserves in a hunted wader: implications for cold-weather shooting restrictions

Data files

Jan 30, 2019 version files 217.78 KB


1.Severe winter weather can reduce avian energetic reserves. At such times, reducing disturbance, and therefore energy expenditure, through science-based policy is crucial to mitigating negative impacts on survival. 2.We examined through allometric equations the energy reserves of Eurasian woodcock Scolopax rusticola, a popular quarry species across most of Europe, in relation to time of winter, location and temperature. We used data from 221 dissected birds, shot in Britain in two winters (2013/14, 2014/15), and 1689 live birds captured during six consecutive winters (2010/11-2015/16). 3.Woodcock are able to store large amounts of energy as fat in mid-winter and increase energy reserves as night air temperature drops to below 0°C, provided the ground thaws during the day. 4.In the event of cold weather in Britain, the mean potential flight distance of woodcock, based on mobilisable energy estimates of shot birds, is 860 km. If they do not move away, woodcock could withstand frozen conditions without feeding for a mean of six days. 5.Synthesis and applications. To reduce the effects of cold weather on Eurasian woodcock Scolopax rusticola, shooting should be restricted before energy reserves are depleted. Current policies vary across Europe, but our results suggest that restrictions should come into force sooner, after four days of continually frozen ground at inland sites. Restrictions should cover large regions and remain in operation for seven days after the end of the cold spell.