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Data from: Rapid, nonparallel genomic evolution of Brassica rapa (field mustard) under experimental drought

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Johnson, Stephen; Franks, Steven; Tittes, Silas (2024). Data from: Rapid, nonparallel genomic evolution of Brassica rapa (field mustard) under experimental drought [Dataset]. Dryad.


While we know that climate change can potentially cause rapid phenotypic evolution, our understanding of the genetic basis and degree of genetic parallelism of rapid evolutionary responses to climate change is limited. In this study, we combined the resurrection approach with an evolve and resequence design to examine genome-wide evolutionary changes following drought. We exposed genetically similar replicate populations of the annual plant Brassica rapa derived from a field population in southern California to four generations of experimental drought or watered conditions in a greenhouse. Genome-wide sequencing of ancestral and descendant population pools identified hundreds of SNPs that showed evidence of rapidly evolving in response to drought. Several of these were in stress response genes, and two were identified in a prior study of drought response in this species. However, almost all genetic changes were unique among experimental populations, indicating that the evolutionary changes were largely non-parallel, despite the fact that genetically similar replicates of the same founder population had experienced controlled and consistent selection regimes. This non-parallelism of evolution at the genetic level is potentially because of polygenetic adaptation allowing for multiple different genetic routes to similar phenotypic outcomes. Our findings help to elucidate the relationship between rapid phenotypic and genomic evolution and shed light on the degree of parallelism and predictability of genomic evolution to environmental change.

README: README file for Johnson et al. 2023 manuscript published in Journal of Evolutionary Biology

Article Citation:

Johnson, S. E., Tittes, S., & Franks, S. J. (2023). Rapid, nonparallel genomic evolution of Brassica rapa (field mustard) under experimental drought. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 36(3), 550-562.

Repository location:

DOI: 10.5061/dryad.n5tb2rbzx


Files are named as 2022 because that is when the final analyses and submission were prepared, but the manuscript was published in 2023.

Data files:

"Truseq3-PE-2.fa" contains adapters used to trim reads with trimmomatic software.
"bam.txt" is a list of bam file names used in the script.
"brassica.poolsize" is a list of the ploidy number of each population used when running the core and axillary models in BayPass.
"brassica.covariates" is a file that encodes whether each population is ancestor or descendant for the first covariate (row 1) and, if descendant, drought or watered for the second covariate (row 2) when running the axillary model in BayPass.
"Johnson_et_al_2022_Evolution_individuals_data.csv" contains phenotypic data and fitness collected from the test generation and previously published in Johnson et al. 2022 in Evolution.
"Johnson_et_al_2022_Evolution_individuals_data.xlsx" contains the same data as Johnson_et_al_2022_Evolution_individuals_data.csv in the first tab and a description of variables in the second tab.
"Atha_v_Brap.tsv" contains a list of B. rapa genes with A. thaliana annotations added with OrthoFinder and was obtained from Prof Michael Barker at the University of Arizona.

  • Atha_v_Brap.tsv variables:
    • Orthogroup: Unique nine-digit orthogroup ID between the TAIR Arabidopsis thaliana genome ( and the V1.5 Brassica rapa genome from BRAD (
    • Atha: AGI locus code (AGI) consisting of the prefix "At", a one-digit chromosome number, the character "G" for gene, a unique five-digit number, and a period followed by a one digit number describing the splice variant.
    • Brap: Unique identifier code for Brassica rapa genes consisting of the prefix "Bra" and then a unique six-digit number.

Code files:

"" contains all command line code used to generate published results.
"Fig1_code.R" contains all R code used to generate Figure 1, which plots snp frequencies of populations on the PC axis.
"Fig2_code.R" contains all R code used to generate Figure 2, which displays Manhattan plots of differentiated SNPs identified 1) between ancestors and descendants with our Bayesian model in BayPass and 2) between drought replicates and ancestors with fisher exact tests.
"tajimas_pi_code.R" contains all R code used to calculate mean and se nucleotide diversity (pi) from .pi files generated with PoPoolation software.
"gene_enrichment_code.R" contains all R code used to run enrichment analysis in R from counts of significant and nonsignificant SNPs generated with bedtools intersect.
"effective_pop_size_estimate_code.R" contains all R code used to estimate effective population size from reproduction data provided in Johnson_et_al_2022_Evolution_individuals_data.csv.
"" produces a baypass format .txt file for downstream Baypass analysis using the reference genome and a .txt file with the names of the sorted bam files to use.
"filter_baypass.R" is used to filter close variable loci (if within 100 bp, keeping the one with the most variation) prior to running models in BayPass.
"" contains a python script to make a table of B. rapa and A. thaliana gene pairs from Atha_v_Brap.tsv.
"" contains a python script to run unit tests.
"Flowering_genes.R" created flowering_genes.tsv list from
"Stress_genes.R" created stress_genes.tsv list from NCBI list of stress genes.
"merge_stress_flowering.R" merges flowering_genes.tsv and stress_genes.tsv to create flowering_and_stress_genes.tsv.


We combined experimental evolution with the resurrection approach to explore adaptation to experimental drought in Brassica rapa (field mustard).

We founded 24 experimental populations from lines which originated from a natural population and randomly assigned each experimental population to a watering regime. We assigned 8 populations for storage as ancestors, 8 to receive four generations of experimental drought, and 8 to receive four generations of experimental well-watered conditions. During these four generations of experimental evolution, drought regime populations received a draw-drown drought treatment aimed to mimic Mediterranean drought while well-watered regime populations were watered every other day. We collected data (flowering time, survival, and seed mass) on a subset of individuals each generation to explore trends in fitness and selection during experimental evolution.

After experimental evolution, we grew all experimental populations (ancestors included) under unstressed (well-watered) conditions and extracted DNA from bud tissue from individuals for all 8 drought populations, all 8 watered populations, and 2 ancestor replicates. Buds were pooled by population before DNA extraction and library prep with an Illumina DNA PCR-free library preparation kit. We then performed pooled sequencing on an Illumina NovaSeq 6000 to obtain our fastq files.

Usage notes

Our data submission includes Python and R scripts.


National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, Award: DEB-1142784

National Science Foundation, Award: IOS-1546218