Biogeographical patterns of freshwater fauna
Data files
May 07, 2024 version files 782.35 KB
Aim Temperature is regarded as an important driver of broad-scale biodiversity patterns. However, less is known of the role of dispersal in shaping broad-scale species and trait distributions, particularly given that species had to disperse out of glacial refugia after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Here, we used a unique dataset describing the distributions of freshwater fauna combined with trait information, to evaluate biodiversity relationships to distance to glacial refugia and temperature.
Location 25 biogeographical regions across Europe
Time period Data from species occurrence gathered in 1978
Major taxa studied 2,816 freshwater invertebrate species and 230 freshwater fish species
Methods using the occurrence of invertebrate and fish species on the biogeographical regions, and publicly available trait information, we analyzed patterns in diversity indices (i.e., species richness, trait richness, and trait redundancy), trait distribution, and species and trait β-diversity, and their relationship to distance to known glacial refugia and regional temperature.
Results We show that distributions of European invertebrate and fish species and traits are primarily explained by distance to refugia and its covarying effect with temperature (i.e., refugia tend to be warmer). Specifically, species and trait richness were higher in regions proximate to refugia and lower in distant regions. Additionally, communities in colder and distant regions exhibited reduced niche dimensions and slower life histories, suggesting increased vulnerability to environmental change.
Main conclusions Species more distant from their refugia were characterized by higher dispersal capacities. Accordingly, since the LGM, only a subset of species was able to colonize distant regions, while many species have spatial ranges constrained by their dispersal capacity, increasing their potential for extinction under ongoing climate change. Therefore, additional conservation measures considering species’ dispersal capacities are required.
README: Biogeographical patterns in European freshwater biodiversity
This dataset contains the diversity indices, trait matrices, and beta-diversity dissimilarity matrices used in the Manuscript "Dispersal, glacial refugia, and temperature shape biogeographical patterns in European freshwater biodiversity", as well as the code to run the analyses. These analyses include (1) linear models with diversity indices as response variables and temperature, distance to refugia, area, and Moran's eigenvectors as predictors and controlling variables; (2) variation partitioning analyses; (3) redundancy analyses of the trait composition matrices; (4) partial Mantel test for dissimilarity matrices; and (5) distance-decay models for dissimilarity matrices. For further details, please consult the original publication.
The data were extracted and modified from Limnofauna Europaea (Illies, 1978).
Illies, J. (1978) Limnofauna Europaea, 2nd edn. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart.
Description of the data and file structure
File: Distance between centroids
Description: it contains a matrix with standardized pairwise distances between biogeographical regions (X101 to X125)
File: Diversity
Description: It contains the diversity indices and geographical characteristics of the European biogeographical regions.
Column names:
- reg: region number
- region: region acronym
- region_name: region name
- lat_center: latitudinal center
- lon_center: longitudinal center
- area: area in km2
- temp: average temperature in °C from 1980 to 2010
- temp_cv: coefficient of variation of temperature values
- near_ref: distance to the nearest refugium in km
- overall fish richness
- overall fish trait richness
- overall fish trait redundancy
- overall standardized fish trait richness
- brack: brackish habitats
- len: lentic habitats
- lot: lotic habitats
- inv: invertebrates
File: Fish composition
Description: presence-absence matrix of fish species (columns) in the European biogeographical regions (rows)
File: Fish traits_database
Description: table containing fish trait affinities extracted from
Column names:
- gbif: species name according to GBIF
- freshwater_name: species name according to
- aqem: AQEM from
- family: taxonomic family
- fe_1: fecundity low
- fe_2: fecundity medium
- fe_3: fecundity high
- bl_1: body length small
- bl_2: body length medium
- bl_3: body length large
- ma_1: female maturity <= 2 years
- ma_2: female maturity 2 to 3 years
- ma_3: female maturity 3 to 4 years
- ma_4: female maturity 4 to 5 years
- ma_5: female maturity >5 years
- temp_eury: temperature preference, eurythermal (broad tolerance)
- temp_steno: temperature preference, stenothermal (narrow tolerance)
- sw_1: swimming factor <= 0.38
- sw_2: swimming factor 0.38-0.43
- sw_3: swimming factor >0.43
File: Fish_distance to refugia
Description: it contains a table with the distance to known glacial refugia for fishes (columns) from each European biogeographical region (rows)
File: Fish_habitats
Description: it contains a table with the presence of fish species (rows) in the freshwater habitats (columns)
File: Fish_phylogeny
Description: it contains a table with the fish species and their respective taxonomic family and order
File: Invertebrates composition
Description: presence-absence matrix of invertebrate species (columns) in the European biogeographical regions (rows)
File: Invertebrates traits_database
Description: table containing invertebrate trait affinities extracted from
Column names:
- gbif: species name according to GBIF
- freshwater_name: species name according to
- aqem: AQEM from
- family: taxonomic family
- tachdisp_aquapass: dispersal strategy aquatic passive
- tachdisp_aquaact: dispersal strategy aquatic active
- tachdisp_aerpass: dispersal strategy aerial passive
- tachdisp_aeract: dispersal strategy aerial active
- tachsize_less0.25: maximal body size less 0.25 cm
- tachsize_0.25to0.5: maximal body size 0.25 to 0.5 cm
- tachsize_0.5to1: maximal body size 0.5 to 1 cm
- tachsize_1to2: maximal body size 1 to 2 cm
- tachsize_2to4: maximal body size 2 to 4 cm
- tachsize_4to8: maximal body size 4 to 8 cm
- tachsize_gr8: maximal body size greater than 8 cm
- tachrepcyc_less1: number of generations less 1 per year
- tachrepcyc_one: number of generations one per year
- tachrepcyc_gr1: number of generations more than 1 per year
- tachtemp_psy: temperature tolerance psychrophilic (cold-tolerance)
- tachtemp_the: temperature tolerance thermophilic (warm-tolerance)
- tachtemp_eut: temperature tolerance eurythermal (broad tolerance)
File: Invertebrates_distance to refugia
Description: it contains a table with the distance to known glacial refugia for invertebrates (columns) from each European biogeographical region (rows)
File: Invertebrates_habitats
Description: it contains a table with the presence of invertebrate species (rows) in the freshwater habitats (columns)
File: Invertebrates_phylogeny
Description: it contains a table with the invertebrate species and their respective taxonomic family and order
File: Temperature dissimilarity
Description: it contains a matrix with standardized pairwise dissimilarities in temperature between biogeographical regions
Sharing/Access information
Analyses were performed in R 4.2.2 (R Core Team, 2022). For further details, please consult the original publication.