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Exploration and social environment affect inbreeding avoidance in a small mammal

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Vandal, Katherine; Garant, Dany; Bergeron, Patrick; Réale, Denis (2023). Exploration and social environment affect inbreeding avoidance in a small mammal [Dataset]. Dryad.


Individual exploration types are based on the cognitive speed-accuracy trade-off, which suggests that higher speed of information acquisition is done by sacrificing information quality. In a mating context, fast exploration could thus increase the probability of finding mates at the cost of mating with kin or suboptimal partners. We tested this hypothesis by studying male mate choice patterns in a species with a scramble competition mating system. We used genotyping, localisation by radio-collar, trapping, and repeated exploration measures from a long-term study on wild Eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus). We predicted that, according to the speed-accuracy trade-off hypothesis, slower-thorough explorers should be choosier than faster-superficial ones, and thus avoid inbreeding. We found that slower males reproduced more often with less related females, but only on one site where variance in relatedness and female density were high. Males showed no preference for their mates’ exploration type. Our results suggest that superficial exploration decreases male choosiness and increases the risk of inbreeding, but only under decreased mate search costs due to high variance in relatedness among mates (at high density). Our findings reveal exploration-related, among-individual variance in inbreeding, highlighting the complexity of mate choice, and showing that many aspects of an individual’s life contribute to animal decision-making.

README: Exploration and social environment affect inbreeding avoidance in a small mammal

This dataset was collected on a wild population of eastern chipmunks in the mounts Sutton area, Québec, Canada. The study system consists of 3 separate rectangular sites with transects marked with permanently fixed stakes at 20 m intervals, and Longworth traps set at 40 m intervals. Data on site 1 was collected from 2006 to 2009, and data on sites 2 and 3 was collected from 2012 to 2018. Sites were trapped from May to September. Each chipmunk was uniquely marked with ear tags and a PIT tag.

For more information, please see the original article.

Description of the data and file structure

Column Description
year Year that the data was collected.
site Site on which the individuals were located, among 3 separate sites.
id.male Unique identifier for the male.
id.year.male Combination of the id of the male and the year the data was collected.
id.female Unique identifier for the female.
id.year.female Combination of the id of the female and the year the data was collected.
reproduction Binomial variable. Wether the male-female couple produced at least one offspring this year. 0 if they did not, 1 if they did.
distance Distance between the burrow centers of both individuals, in meters.
exploration.blup.male BLUP of the exploration value of the male, measured by an Open-field test. Value is standardized.
exploration.blup.female BLUP of the exploration value of the female, measured by an Open-field test. Value is standardized.
relatedness Relatedness between the male and female, calculated from genotyping of both individuals. Value is standardized.
female.density Density of females in the mate search area of the male. Value is standardized.
border.effect Distance between the burrow of the male and the center of the grid, in meters. Distance between the male and the farthest female with which he sired an offspring that year, in meters.
season Whether the mating season was during spring or summer.


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Master's Scholarship

Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Nature et Technologies, Master's Scholarship

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Discovery Grant

Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Nature et Technologies, Team Research Project Grant