Data from: Leaf-associated macroinvertebrate assemblage and leaf litter breakdown in headwater streams depend on local riparian vegetation
Data files
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Headwater streams harbor diverse macroinvertebrate communities and are hotspots for leaf litter breakdown. The process of leaf litter breakdown mediated by macroinvertebrates forms an important link between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Yet, how the vegetation type in the local riparian zone influences leaf-associated macroinvertebrate assemblages and leaf litter breakdown rates is still not resolved. We investigated how leaf-associated macroinvertebrate assemblages and leaf litter fragmentation rates differ between forested and non-forested sites using experimental leaf litter bags in sixteen sites paired across eight headwater streams in Switzerland. Our results show that sensitive taxa of the invertebrate orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) and the functional group of shredders were strongly associated with forested sites with overall higher values of abundance, diversity, and biomass of EPTs in forested compared to non-forested sites. However, the importance of riparian vegetation differed between study regions, especially for shredders. Fragmentation rates, which are primarily the result of macroinvertebrate shredding, were on average three times higher in forested compared to non-forested sites. Our results demonstrate that not only the composition of the aquatic fauna but also the functioning of an essential ecosystem process depend on the vegetation type in the local riparian zone.
README: Leaf-associated-macroinvertebrate-assemblage-and-leaf-litter-breakdown
Leaf-associated macroinvertebrate assemblage and leaf litter breakdown in headwater streams depend on local riparian vegetation
Rebecca Oester, Paula C. dos Reis Oliveira, Marcelo S. Moretti, Florian Altermatt, Andreas Bruder
This READ ME file contains information on the r-scripts and variables in the datasets used for the analyses.
NAs in these two data files indicate that data was not applicable (e.g., if we measured the weight of alder, the columns for ash have NA or if we only found three individuals the length measurments for individuals 4-10 in Length4-10 have NA).
Data files:
- datTOT
Main dataset with information on the macroinvertebrate community in each leaf litter bag with the following variables:
Sample_ID: unique identifier for each leaf litter bag (composed of the Region (TG or TI), Stream ID (1-4), Landscape (F = Forested; A= Non-Forested))
Type: indication that These communities stem from leaf litter bags
Site_ID: Unique identifier for the stream sites
Order: taxonomic order
Family: taxonomic Family (empty cells indicate that we did not identify these individuals to a lower taxonomic Level)
Genus: taxonomic genus or subfamily (empty cells indicate that we did not identify these individuals to a lower taxonomic Level)
Species: species Name or sp. indication if not further determined (empty cells indicate that we did not identify these individuals to a lower taxonomic Level)
Larvae: number of larvae found
Adult: number of adults found
Nymphe: number of nymphs found
Total: the total number of this taxon in this leaf litter bag (sum of number of larvae, adult and nymphe)
Length1: the total body length of individual 1 of this taxa in this leaf litter bag in mm
Length2: the total body length of individual 2 of this taxa in this leaf litter bag in mm
Length3: the total body length of individual 3 of this taxa in this leaf litter bag in mm
Length4: the total body length of individual 4 of this taxa in this leaf litter bag in mm
Length5: the total body length of individual 5 of this taxa in this leaf litter bag in mm
Length6: the total body length of individual 6 of this taxa in this leaf litter bag in mm
Length7: the total body length of individual 7 of this taxa in this leaf litter bag in mm
Length8: the total body length of individual 8 of this taxa in this leaf litter bag in mm
Length9: the total body length of individual 9 of this taxa in this leaf litter bag in mm
Length10: the total body length of individual 10 of this taxa in this leaf litter bag
NumberExtra: in case of more than 10 individuals, number of exceeding abundances
AverageLength: the mean of values from Length1-Length10 in mm
TotalLength: the sum of values from Length1-Length10 in mm
Taxon: Taxon name (lowest taxonomic deterimnation usually genus and species epithet)
SpeciesRichness: number of taxa in leaf litter bag
ShannonIndex: shannon diversity indext for each leaf litter bag
grazer: indication for functional feeding group from 0 (no preference) to 10 (strong preference) according to the database
miner: indication for functional feeding group from 0 (no preference) to 10 (strong preference) according to the database
xylobiont: indication for functional feeding group from 0 (no preference) to 10 (strong preference) according to the database
shredder: indication for functional feeding group from 0 (no preference) to 10 (strong preference) according to the database
gatherer: indication for functional feeding group from 0 (no preference) to 10 (strong preference) according to the database
activefilterfeeder: indication for functional feeding group from 0 (no preference) to 10 (strong preference) according to the database
passivefilterfeeder: indication for functional feeding group from 0 (no preference) to 10 (strong preference) according to the database
predator: indication for functional feeding group from 0 (no preference) to 10 (strong preference) according to the database
parasite: indication for functional feeding group from 0 (no preference) to 10 (strong preference) according to the database
other: indication for functional feeding group from 0 (no preference) to 10 (strong preference) according to the database
ActiveShredder: indication for functional feeding being a shredder (YES or NO)
lna: from taxon-specific allometric length-weight regressions of the form W = aL^b, ln of a
b: from taxon-specific allometric length-weight regressions of the form W = aL^b, b
a: from taxon-specific allometric length-weight regressions of the form W = aL^b, a
DryMass: based on the taxon-specific length-weight regressions from the AverageLength, the estimated dry mass in mg
TotalDryMass: the DryMass multiplied by the total number of individuals of this taxon in this leaf litter bag
Sum_Biomass: the total biomass of macroinvertebrates in this leaf litter bag
Stream: unique identifier for streams
Site: unique identifier for sites
Region: unique identifier for regions
Treatment: indication that the bags were made of coarse mesh bag and filled with either alder, ash or a mix of both
Landscape: forested (F) or non-forested (A)
TreatmentLandscape: string combination of Treatment and Landscape
Leaf: Leaf litter species used in the leaf litter bag
lambda.correct: The fragmentation rates associated with this leaf litter bag (for mixed leaf litter bags, it's the average of alder and ash)
- Dataset with additional information of each leaf litter species in each leaf litter bag with the following variables:
ID: unique identifier for each leaf litter bag (composed of the Region (TG or TI), Stream ID (1-4), Landscape (F = Forested; A= Non-Forested))
Sample_ID: unique identifier for each leaf litter bag (composed of the Region (TG or TI), Stream ID (1-4), Landscape (F = Forested; A= Non-Forested))
Stream: unique identifier for each stream
Site: unique identifier for each site
Region: unique identifier for each reagion
Bag: indication on the mesh size of the leaf litter bag
Treatment: indication of the combined mesh size and leaf litter species
Landscape: forested (F) or non-forested (A)
TreatmentLandscape: tring combination of Treatment and Landscape
DW_beforeGrammAlder: dry weight (g) of alder at the start
DW_beforeGrammAsh: dry weight (g) of ash at the start
DW_Total: Sum of DW_beforeGrammAlder and DW_beforeGrammAsh only relevant for mixed leaf litter bags
Mesh: fine or coarse mesh bag excluding or allowing macroinvertebrate consumers to the leaf litter bags, respectively.
Leave1: Leaf litter species #1
Leave2: Leaf litter species #2
Leaf: Leaf litter species or Mix
DW_afterGrammAlder: dry weight (g) for alder at the end
DW_afterGrammAsh: dry weight (g) for ash at the end
Loss_AbsolutAlder: number of grams lost for alder
Loss_AbsolutAsh: number of grams lost for ash
Loss_Absolut_Sum: total number of grams lsot
Loss_RelativeAlder: % loss for alder
Loss_RelativeAsh: % loss for ash
Loss_Relative_Sum: the total of % loss for alder and ash
Leaf_Disk_Weight_Alder: additional weight (g) from leaf disks of this alder used for fungal biomass determination for another project
Leaf_Disk_Weight_Ash: additional weight (g) from leaf disks of this ash used for fungal biomass determination for another project
DW_gramAlder_Adj: adjusted dry weight (g) of alder
DW_gramAsh_Adj: adjusted dry weight (g) of ash
DW_gramAlder_Adjusted: adjusted dry weight (g) of alder
DW_gramAsh_Adjusted: adjusted dry weight (g) of ash
Site_ID: unique identifier for site
AvGDegreeDays: average degree days accumulated over the course of the field experiment
kAlder: decomposition rate for alder
kAsh: decomposition rate for ash
k: average decomposition rate
kcAlder: coarse mesh decomposition rate for alder
kcAsh: coarse mesh decomposition rate for ash
kcMix: coarse mesh decomposition rate for mixed leaf litter bags
kfAlder: fine mesh decomposition rate for alder
kfAsh: fine mesh decomposition rate for ash
kfMix: fine mesh decomposition rate for mixed leaf litter bags
lambdaFAlder: fragmentation rates for alder
lambdaFAsh: fragmentation rates for ash
lambdaFMix: fragmentation rates for mixed leaf litter bags
lambda.correct: fragmentation rates for each Treatment combination
Run in R (version version 4.0.3) on Windows.
- Basic_Results
requires datTOT and
Calculations on 1) abundance, 2) diversity, 3) biomass and 4) decomposition rates to describe the effects of riparian forests on leaf-associated macroinvertebrate communities
- CommunityStructure
requires datTOT
Calculations on 1) abundance, 2) diversity and 3) biomass of shredders and EPT separately plus figure making
- MZB_CommunityComposition
requires datTOT
Ordinations on 1) Taxonomy, 2) Abundance-CWMT Feeding Types, 3) Biomass-CWMT Feeding Types, 4) Shredders, and 5) EPT plut figure making
requires datTOT
Calculations on how fragmentation rates and the LRR thereof changes in forested and non-forested sites
- Fragmentation_MZB_Structure
requires datTOT
Supplementary calculations on the relationshipts between fragmentation rates and different abundance, diversity and biomass of macroinvertebrates and specifically on shredders