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Ectopic expression of Triticum polonicum VRT-A2 underlies elongated glumes and grains in hexaploid wheat in a dosage-dependent manner: Additional data (images, phylogenetic alignments and trees)

Data files

Jun 09, 2021 version files 356.46 MB


Flower development is an important determinant of grain yield in crops. In wheat, natural variation for the size of spikelet and floral organs is particularly evident in Triticum polonicum, a tetraploid subspecies of wheat with long glumes, lemmas, and grains. Using map-based cloning, we identified VRT2, a MADS-box transcription factor belonging to the SVP family, as the gene underlying the P1 locus. The causal P1 mutation is a sequence substitution in intron-1 that results in both increased and ectopic expression of the T. polonicum VRT-A2 allele. Based on allelic variation studies, we propose that the intron-1 mutation in VRT-A2 is the unique T. polonicum species defining polymorphism, which was later introduced into hexaploid wheat via natural hybridizations. Near-isogenic lines differing for the T. polonicum long-glume (P1) locus revealed a gradient effect of P1 across florets. Transgenic lines of hexaploid wheat carrying the T. polonicum VRT-A2 allele show that expression levels of VRT-A2 are highly correlated with spike, glume, grain, and floral organ length. These results highlight how changes in expression profiles, through variation in cis-regulation, can impact on agronomic traits in a dosage-dependent manner in polyploid crops.

Here, we deposit additional data that did not fit into the manscurpt itself. These are images of whole spikes and of spikelets of Triticum polonicum, Triticum petropavlovskyi, Triticum aestivum 'Arrancada' landrace group, the hexaploid and tetraploid near-isogenic lines described in the manuscript, as well as imags from the CSxPol F2 population.

We also upload a phylogenetic tree, including the protein sequences and where they were sourced from, as well as a description of the methods used.