Data from: Antibacterial activity of graphene oxide nanosheet against multi drug resistant superbugs isolated from infected patients
Data files
Jul 10, 2020 version files 2.25 MB
Spectroscopic Characterization of GO
1.The diluted aqueous solutions of GO were taken in crystal cuvette and placed in Hitachi (U-2001, Tokyo, Japan) for UV-vis measurement. The cuvettes were out of all kinds of finger print and spot to get accurate result. DI water was used as reference for all the tests.
2. Ringaku Mini Flex, 600, Japan was used to analyze XRD at 40 mA and 40 kV within the range of 2θ = 5–50° using Copper K-α radiation.
3. In Raman spectroscopy an invia laser-Raman spectrometer (The Renishaw, UK) containing 514 argon ion laser was run.
4. Nicolet NEXUS 470 was applied to obtain FTIR spectra of graphite and GO. KBr was used to prepare sample pellets for the experiment.
5. The TGA was conducted by Shimadzu TG 50 instrument, Japan at 10 °C min -1 heating rate between 25-700°C temperature range.
All the experiments were conducted several times util get the best results. All the data were collected form the machines by CD and export to my computer. Finally the graphs were prepared by microsoft excel and put to the manuscript.
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