Kin discrimination causes plastic responses in floral and clonal allocation
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In this study, we quantified focal plant floral and clonal responses to kin by manipulating the relatedness of neighbours growing in shared pots in Mimulus guttatus. Specifically, focal plants were either a) selfed, and neighboured by selfed-sibling plants, b) outcrossed and neighboured by outcrossed-sibling plants, or c) outcrossed and neighboured by non-kin plants. For focal individuals in each treatment we measured various floral (e.g. flower number, corolla length, corolla width, date of first flowering), clonal (e.g. stolon number, length, width, and biomass) and vegetative (e.g. leaf size, stem thickness, and rosette biomass) at early (week 4), flowering (week 6), and late-life (week 9) stages.
README: Kin discrimination causes plastic responses in floral and clonal allocation
- Title of Dataset: Kin discrimination causes plastic responses in floral and clonal allocation
2: Author Information:
A. Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Jannice Friedman
Institution: Queen's University
Address: Kingston, ON, Canada
B. Associate or Co-Investigator Contact Information
Name: Isabeau Lewis
Institution: Queen's University
Address: Kingston, ON, Canada
3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): Jan-May 2022
- Geographic location of data collection: Queen's University Phytotron, Kingston, ON, Canada
- Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: NSERC Discovery Grant to JF, Botanical Society of America Undergraduate Student Research Award to IL
- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain
- Links to publications that cite or use the data: Will be updated upon acceptance of the corresponding manuscript.
- Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None
- Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None
- Was data derived from another source? No A. If yes, list source(s): NA
- Recommended citation for this dataset:
Lewis, I., and Friedman, J. (2024). Data from: Kin discrimination causes plastic responses in floral and clonal allocation. Dryad Digital Repository.
- File List:
A) RSPB-2024-2387_rawdata_Nov2024.csv
- Relationship between files, if important: None
- Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None
- Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No A. If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: NA i. Why was the file updated? NA ii. When was the file updated? NA
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: RSPB-2024-2387_rawdata_Nov2024.csv
- Number of variables: 43
- Number of cases/rows: 275
- Variable List:
- plant_id: unique ID assigned to each focal individual in a pot
- cross_type: denotes cross type of each focal individual, either selfed or outcrossed
- treatment: denotes neighbour identity for each pot, either self_sib (selfed-sibling kin), out_sib (outcrossed-sibling kin), unrelated (non-kin), or no neighbours (alone_large)
- fam_id: family of origin for focal plant, there are 25 unique focal families (pairs of maternal + paternal parents) from which outcrossed and selfed-sibling kin were created
- replicate: there are three focal individual replicates per family per treatment
- nstol4: number of stolons produced by the focal individual at 4 weeks post-germination
- stollen4: length of the focal individual's longest stolon (mm) at 4 weeks post-germination
- stolwid4: width of the focal individual's longest stolon (mm) at 4 weeks post-germination
- stemthick4: width of the focal individual's main stem (mm) at 4 weeks post-germination
- nnode4: number of nodes produced by the focal individual at 4 weeks post-germination
- ftllen4: length (mm) of the focal individual's largest first true leaf at 4 weeks post-germination
- nflow4: number of flowers produced by the focal individual at 4 weeks post-germination
- nbran6: number of branches produced by the focal individual at 6 weeks post-germination
- nfocalflow6: number of flowers produced by the focal individual at 4 weeks post-germination
- date4: date of week 4 phenotyping
- nstol6: number of stolons produced by the focal individual at 6 weeks post-germination
- stollen6: length of the focal individual's longest stolon (mm) at 6 weeks post-germination
- stolwid6: width of the focal individual's longest stolon (mm) at 6 weeks post-germination
- stemthick6: width of the focal individual's main stem (mm) at 6 weeks post-germination
- nnode6: number of nodes produced by the focal individual at 6 weeks post-germination
- stllen6: length (mm) of the focal individual's largest second true leaf at 6 weeks post-germination
- nbran4: number of branches produced by the focal individual at 4 weeks post-germination
- nfocalflow6: number of flowers produced by the focal individual at 6 weeks post-germination
- totfocalflow6: number of flowers produced by the focal individual at 6 weeks post-germination, excluding individuals that failed to transition to flower
- npotflow6: number of flowers produced by the pot at 6-weeks post-germination
- nodefflow: node of first flowering for the focal individual
- datefflow: date of first flowering for the focal individual
- date6: date of week 6 phenotyping
- nstol9: number of stolons produced by the focal individual at 9 weeks post-germination
- stollen9: length of the focal individual's longest stolon (mm) at 9 weeks post-germination
- nnode9: number of nodes produced by the focal individual at 9 weeks post-germination
- nfocalflow9: number of flowers produced by the focal individual at 9 weeks post-germination
- totfocalflow9: number of flowers produced by the focal individual at 6 weeks post-germination, excluded individuals that failed to transition to flower
- corlen: corolla length from one flower measured per focal individual
- corwid: corolla width from one flower measured per focal individual
- cordate: date of corolla measurement for the focal individual
- cor_node: node of measured flower from the focal individual
- date9: date of week 9 phenotyping
- focal_rosette: dried rosette biomass (g) of the focal individual at 10 weeks post-germination
- focal_stolon: dried stolon biomass (g) of the focal individual at 10 weeks post-germination
- focal_biomass: total dried biomass (stolon+rosette) of the focal individual at 10 weeks post-germination
- neighbour_total: combined rosette and stolon biomass (g) of all four neighbours at 10 weeks post-germination
- total_pot: total biomass of the pot (g) of all four neighbours and the focal individual at 10 weeks post-germination
- ydayfflow: Julian date of first flowering
- Missing data codes: NA
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None