Effects of sexual dimorphism on pollinator behaviour in a dioecious species
Data files
Nov 25, 2021 version files 41.86 KB
Floral traits often display sexual dimorphism in insect-pollinated dioecious plant species, with male individuals typically being showier than females. While this strategy is theorized to be optimal when pollinators are abundant, it might represent a risk when they become scarce, because the disproportionately high number of visits on the most attractive sex, males, might preclude efficient pollen transfer from males to females. Here, the effect of sexual dimorphism on pollination efficiency was assessed in experimental arrays of dioecious Silene dioica that were exposed to one frequent visitor of the species, Bombus terrestris, and that differed in the magnitude of sexual dimorphism for either flower number or flower size. We measured the number of visits on female plants, on female flowers and on the number of female flowers visited after a male flower, as well as the number of pollen grains deposited per stigma.
Usage notes
Column names and contents of the 3 sub-datasets are described below
-> DataSilene_Plants (one line = one plant)
Nsession Name of the experimental session (3 treatments * 8 replicas = 24 sessions, named A to X)
Date Day the session was performed
Hive Hive identity
sex Plant sex (F : female, M : male)
Dim Are plants sexually dimorphic for flower number or flower size in the session ? (Dim : Yes, NoDim : No)
DimNumber Are plants sexually dimorphic for flower number in the session ? (Dim : Yes, NoDim : No)
DimSize Are plants sexually dimorphic for flower size in the session ? (Dim : Yes, NoDim : No)
Ttt Treatment (Number : number dimorphism, Size : size dimorphism, Control : no dimorphism)
ID Plant identity
nflo Flower number at the time of the experiment
wflo1 Width of flower number 1 (mm)
wflo2 Width of flower number 2 (mm)
wflo3 Width of flower number 3 (mm)
wflo4 Width of flower number 4 (mm)
wflo5 Width of flower number 5 (mm)
meansizeind Mean flower width
VisitPerPlant Number of bumblebee visits per plant
VisitPerFlower Estimate of the number of bumblebee visits per flower (VisitPerPlant / nflo)
-> DataSilene_Bumblebees (one line = one sequence of ten visits by a bumblebee)
Nsession Name of the experimental session (3 treatments * 8 replicas = 24 sessions, named A to X)
Date Day the session was performed
Hive Hive identity
Dim Are plants sexually dimorphic for flower number or flower size in the session ? (Dim : Yes, NoDim : No)
DimNumber Are plants sexually dimorphic for flower number in the session ? (Dim : Yes, NoDim : No)
DimSize Are plants sexually dimorphic for flower size in the session ? (Dim : Yes, NoDim : No)
Ttt Treatment (Number : number dimorphism, Size : size dimorphism, Control : no dimorphism)
nflosession Total number of flowers available in the session (male + female)
nfloFsession Total number of female flowers available in the session
Order Flying order (order in which bumblebees exited the hive)
S1 Sex of visited flower number 1
S2 Sex of visited flower number 2
S3 Sex of visited flower number 3
S4 Sex of visited flower number 4
S5 Sex of visited flower number 5
S6 Sex of visited flower number 6
S7 Sex of visited flower number 7
S8 Sex of visited flower number 8
S9 Sex of visited flower number 9
S10 Sex of visited flower number 10
NbTotInd Number of visited plants
NbFF Number of visited female flowers
NbPF Number of visited female plants
NbFM Number of visited male flowers
NbPM Number of visited male plants
ShiftFM Number of shifts from a female to a male flower
ShiftMF Number of shifts from a male to a female flower
NoShift Number of transitions between flowers that do not involve a change in visited sex
NbFpostM Number of female flowers visited after the insect had visited at least one male flower (estimate of the number of potentially pollinating visits)
NbFbef Number of female flowers visited before any male in the sequence
-> DataSilene_Pollen (one line = one female plant)
Nsession Name of the experimental session (3 treatments * 8 replicas = 24 sessions, named A to X)
Date Day the session was performed
Hive Hive identity
Dim Are plants sexually dimorphic for flower number or flower size in the session ? (Dim : Yes, NoDim : No)
DimNumber Are plants sexually dimorphic for flower number in the session ? (Dim : Yes, NoDim : No)
DimSize Are plants sexually dimorphic for flower size in the session ? (Dim : Yes, NoDim : No)
Ttt Treatment (Number : number dimorphism, Size : size dimorphism, Control : no dimorphism)
ID Plant identity
nflo Flower number at the time of the experiment
VisitPerPlant Number of bumblebee visits per plant
VisitPerFlower Estimate of the number of bumblebee visits per flower (VisitPerPlant / nflo)
MeanPollen Mean number of pollen grains deposited per stigma