Data from: An ecological vulnerability index to assess impacts of offshore wind facilities on migratory song-birds
Data files
Aug 21, 2024 version files 11.92 KB
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As offshore wind (OSW) energy expands globally, migratory songbirds are at risk of mortality from collisions with turbine blades, though the magnitude of this threat, and which species are most vulnerable, remains poorly understood. Ecological vulnerability indices are commonly used to assess species’ susceptibility to harmful factors, with results used to direct scarce research and monitoring resources to species showing relatively high vulnerability. These indices are based on the traits that elevate a species risk to adverse impacts (sensitivity), the overlap in occurrence between a species and the potentially harmful agent (exposure), and the influence of this exposure on the species’ local or global persistence (resilience). We modified ecological vulnerability indices for seabirds to assess vulnerability of migratory songbirds to OSW related mortality. As a pertinent case study, we considered songbirds that fly across the Northwest Atlantic during their autumn migration. We utilized readily available information on each species’ migratory behavior, life history, and conservation status to calculate an index score that could range from 1 (lowest vulnerability) to 125 (highest vulnerability). We found scores of 3 to 55.2 for the 101 songbird species evaluated, with New World warblers (Parulidae) over-represented among the highest scoring species. We found the scores to be sensitive to uncertainty in index components, highlighting the importance of considering scoring uncertainty when evaluating ecological vulnerability indices. Finally, we found that for seven of the top ten highest scoring species, modest improvements in population trends had the potential to lower the scores substantially. Our methodology is readily applicable to other regions where OSW development is planned and songbird migration is common, allowing research and monitoring activities to be targeted to species most likely to be negatively affected by OSW facility encounters.
README: Data from: An ecological vulnerability index to assess impacts of offshore wind facilities on migratory song-birds
Description of the data and file structure
These data are a component of a broader project to create a vulnerability index for the neotropical migratory songbirds of eastern North America to offshore wind energy. Contained here are the Z-scores used to create the Migratory Corridor Score for each species. The Migratory Corridor Score relates to how frequently a species is observed in the offshore space given the species' North American population size. The data presented here are processed Z-scores and are presented for the purposes of study repeatability, the raw data used to create the Z-scores can be accessed via contacting the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies depending on the specific data wanted.
Files and variables
File: Migratory_Corridor_Z-Scores.csv
Description: CSV file containing the processed Z-scores for each species in our analysis.
- English Name: The accepted common name for each species under consideration, as found in the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Species List
- Scientific Name: The accepted scientific name for each species under consideration, as found in the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Species List
- NWASC.Z.Score: The processed Z-score for each species based on offshore occurrence records in the Northwest Atlantic Seabird Catalog and North American population sizes from the Population Estimates Database.
- eBird.Z.Score: The processed Z-score for each species based on offshore occurrence records in eBird and North American population sizes from the Population Estimates Database.
- Bermuda.Z.Score: The processed Z-score for each species based on occurrence records from Bermuda in eBird and North American population sizes from the Population Estimates Database.
- Highest Z Score: The largest Z-score from the above three potential Z-scores. This value was used for calculating the Migratory Corridor Score for each species in our vulnerability index.
The data file presented here is a CSV file and can be viewed in any text or spreadsheet editor. The data were created in Microsoft Excel for Mac Version 16.87.
Access information
Data was derived from the following sources:
- Northwest Atlantic Seabird Catalog (available via request to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
- eBird (
- Partners in Flight Population Estimates Database (
This dataset consists of processed Z-Scores used to produce the Migratory Corridor Score, a component of our vulnerability index. The Z-scores were produced using raw count data from Northwest Atlantic Seabird Catalog (NWASC) sightings and eBird citizen science observations from both offshore in the Northwest Atlantic and from Bermuda made in autumn. The NWASC was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and contains data collected by NOAA, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. The NWASC contains offshore survey data (largely focusing on seabirds) from various state and federal agencies and non-profit groups and is housed at the NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science. eBird data was collected from the publicly accessible online interface.
We tallied the number of observations of each species from the three data sources. We normalized each of the three counts by estimated North American population size for each species which we obtained from The Partners in Flight (PIF) Population Estimates Database housed at the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies. We utilized the column "Population Estimate USA/Canada" in version 3.1 of the Population Estimates Database. We z-transformed the resulting normalized count data and selected the largest Z-score for each species.
The dataset provided here consists of the processed Z-scores. For access to the Northwest Atlantic Seabird Catalog please reach out to the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science at NOAA ( For access to the raw eBird data please see ( and for the PIF Population Estimates Database please see the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies (