Data from: A trait-based root acquisition-defence-decomposition framework in angiosperm tree species
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Jun 07, 2024 version files 275.88 KB
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Jun 07, 2024 version files 275.89 KB
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Plants make trade-offs between root resource acquisition and defence ability, for adapting to the complex belowground environment. This includes forming partnerships with different types of root associating microorganisms, such as arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi. These trade-offs, by mediating root chemistry, exert legacy effects on nutrient release during decomposition, which may, in turn, affect the ability of new roots to re-acquire resources, thereby generating a feedback loop. However, the linkages at the basis of this potential feedback loop remain largely unquantified. Here, we propose a trait-based root ‘acquisition-defence-decomposition’ conceptual framework and test the strength of relevant linkages across 90 angiosperm tree species. We show that, at the plant species level, the root-fungal symbiosis gradient within the root economics space, root chemical defence (condensed tannins), and root decomposition rate are closely linked, providing support to this framework. Beyond the dichotomy between arbuscular mycorrhizal-dominated versus ectomycorrhizal-dominated systems, we suggest a continuous shift in feedback loops, from “high arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis-low defence-fast decomposition-inorganic nutrition” by evolutionarily ancient taxa to “high ectomycorrhizal symbiosis-high defence-slow decomposition-organic nutrition” by more modern taxa. This ‘acquisition-defence-decomposition’ framework provides solid foundation for testable hypotheses on the multidimensional linkages between species’ belowground strategies and ecosystem nutrient cycling in evolutionary context.
README: Data and Code for the article "A trait-based root acquisition-defence-decomposition framework in angiosperm tree species"
We have submitted our raw and processed trait data (Data_Root_traits.xlsx),
R script supporting the data analysis of this study (2024ADD_Rcode.R),
and processed data used for R script ( 90Treedata.xlsx ; PCAdata.xlsx).
Data_Root traits.xlsx
- 1_Notes and Variable List: The Variable List and relevant notes for this dataset.
- 2_Species information: Information on 90 angiosperm tree species used in this study, including site, mycorrhizal type, taxonomic information (species, genus, family, order, superorder), and forested biome.
- 3_Root traits (mean+se): The species name (Species) and the species mean trait values (Trait) and corresponding standard errors (Trait-se).
- 4_Raw and Processed (90speceis): Mycorrhizal type (Mycorrhizal), Site, the species name (Species), species mean trait values (Trait), For the species mean trait values, we first applied a log10 transformation [log10(Trait)], followed by a Z-transformation (for each site separately) [Z(log10(Trait))].
- 5_Processed(65AM): The processed data for arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM) speceis. Z transformed data [Z(log10(Trait))].
- 6_Processed(25EcM): The processed data for ectomycorrhizal (EcM) speceis. Z transformed data [Z(log10(Trait))].
- *Variable List: BI, branching intensity; CT,cortex thickness; RD, root diameter; RTD, root tissue density; SRL, specific root length; RN, root nitrogen concentration; RC, root carbon concentration; C.N: root carbon nitrogen ratio CTs,root condensed tannins; ML, root mass loss.
- 1_All90: The Z transformed data for all 90 speceis.
- 2_AM65: The Z transformed data for 65 arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM) speceis.
- 3_EcM25: The Z transformed data for 25 ectomycorrhizal (EcM) speceis.
- 4_All90_l: The log10 transformed data for all 90 speceis.
- 5_Major70_l: The log10 transformed data for 70 species from the major families.
- 6_Tree90_PCAlm: The loading scores of the phylogenetic principal component analyses (PC1, PC2) and Z transformed data, Mycorrhizal type (Mycorrhizal), Site. #For 90 species
- 7_Tree65AM_PCAlm: The loading scores of the phylogenetic principal component analyses (PC1, PC2) and Z transformed data. #For 65 AM species
- 8_Tree25EcM_PCAlm: The loading scores of the phylogenetic principal component analyses (PC1, PC2) and Z transformed data. #For 25 EcM species
- 9_Diver.PCA.All: Family name of trees, divergence time (Time), pPCA scores(PC1, PC2), root traits(Z transformed data) of major taxonomic groups (n = 15) at the family level.
- 10_Diver.PCA.AM: Family name of trees, divergence time (Time), pPCA scores(PC1, PC2), root traits(Z transformed data) of major taxonomic groups (n = 11) at the family level. #Notes: The families involved here refer to those to which the AM species in this study belong.
- *Variable List: BI, branching intensity; CT,cortex thickness; RD, root diameter; RTD, root tissue density; SRL, specific root length; RN, root nitrogen concentration; RC, root carbon concentration; C.N: root carbon nitrogen ratio; CTs,root condensed tannins; ML, root mass loss.
- 1_90Sphylall6: The species name (Species), the loading scores of the phylogenetic principal component analyses (PC1-PC6), Mycorrhizal type (Colstype, 1 for AM; 2 for EcM). #For 90 species
- 2_90Lphylall6: The loadings of the root traits (six traits). #For 90 species
- 3_65Sphylam6: The species name (Species), the loading scores of the phylogenetic principal component analyses (PC1-PC6). #For 65 arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM) speceis
- 4_65Lphylam6: The loadings of the root traits (six traits). #For 65 AM species
- 5_25Sphylecm6: The species name (Species), the loading scores of the phylogenetic principal component analyses (PC1-PC6). #For 25 ectomycorrhizal (EcM) speceis
- 6_25Lphylecm6: The loadings of the root traits (six traits). #For 25 EcM species
- 7_90Sphylall8sup: The species name (Species), the loading scores of the phylogenetic principal component analyses (PC1-PC8), Mycorrhizal type (Colstype, 1 for AM; 2 for EcM). #For 90 species
- 8_90Lphylall8sup: The loadings of the root traits (eight traits). #For 90 species
- 9_65Sphylam8sup: The species name (Species), the loading scores of the phylogenetic principal component analyses (PC1-PC8). #For 65 AM speceis
- 10_65Lphylam8sup: The loadings of the root traits (eight traits). #For 65 AM speceis
- 11_25Sphylecm8sup: The species name (Species), the loading scores of the phylogenetic principal component analyses (PC1-PC8). #For 25 EcM speceis
- 12_25Lphylecm8sup: The loadings of the root traits (eight traits). #For 25 EcM speceis
The R script was created using version 4.1.3.
Annotations are provided throughout the script through 1) library loading, 2) dataset loading and cleaning, 3) analyses, and 4) figure creation.