Human perturbations reduce dung beetle diversity and dung removal ecosystem function
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Apr 19, 2021 version files 41.88 KB
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Sampling design consisted of a 1,000 m linear transect per site, placed at the center of each forest (i.e., at least 100 m from the border of the forest to minimize any possible edge effect). Each transect included 20 baited pitfall traps (hereafter referred as ‘sampling units’; Figure S1B) placed 50 m from each other (Larsen & Forsyth, 2005; Figure S1B). The distance between our pitfall traps and experimental units is a potential caveat, taking into consideration that some dung beetle individuals could fly up to 1.5-2 km per day (Paik 1976). Each pitfall trap consisted of a 1 L plastic bucket buried at ground level and filled with 500 ml of water mixed with kitchen salt and scentless soap (following Noriega & Fagua, 2009). On top of the bucket, a metallic wire sustained a surgical mesh filled with 300 g of a mixture of fresh pig and human dung (homogenized and mixed in 4:1 proportion; Figure S1B). The amount of dung was chosen to be similar to that produced by large terrestrial mammals in Colombia, and we used the mixture because previous sampling campaigns showed that it is highly attractive to dung beetles in this region (J.A. Noriega pers. obs.). Traps were left in the field for 48 hours. After this period, dung beetle specimens were collected and labeled in individual containers filled with ethanol (70%), to be later identified to species level using different taxonomic identification keys (Edmonds, 1994; Génier, 1996; González et al., 2009; Camero, 2010; Edmonds & Zidek, 2010; Vaz-de-Mello et al., 2011). Voucher specimens were deposited in the Entomological Collection of the Museum of Natural History of Los Andes University (EANDES) and the reference collection of the first author (CJAN).