Dung beetles increase plant growth: A meta-analysis
Data files
Feb 21, 2024 version files 329.12 KB
The ecosystem services provided by dung beetles are well-known and valued. Dung beetles bury dung for feeding and breeding, and it is generally thought that the process of burying dung increases nutrient uptake by plant roots, which promotes plant growth. Many studies have tested the effects of dung beetles on plant growth, but there has been no quantitative synthesis of these studies. Here we use a multi-level meta-analysis to estimate the average effect of dung beetles on plant growth and investigate factors that moderate this effect. We identified 28 publications that investigated dung beetle effects on plant growth. Of these, 24 contained the minimum quantitative data necessary to include in a meta-analysis. Overall, we found that dung beetles increased plant growth by 17 %; the 95 % CI for possible values for the true increase in plant growth that were most compatible with our data, given our statistical model, ranged from 1 to 35 %. We found evidence that the dung beetle–plant growth relationship is influenced by the plant measurement type and the number of beetles accessing the dung. However, beetles did not increase plant growth in all quantitative trials, as individual effect sizes ranged from -72 % – 806 %, suggesting important context-dependence in the provision of ecosystem services.
README: Dung beetles increase plant growth: a meta-analysis
We conducted a literature search to identify studies that compared the difference in plant growth between areas with untouched dung (dung only) and areas with dung colonised solely by dung beetles (dung+beetles).
From this literature search, we identified 26 studies (containing 677 study outcomes) and recorded the results and experiment parameters of each study outcome in the meta_analysis_data.csv file.
Details of the meta_analysis_data.csv file are as follows:
STUDYID: Unique identifier for each publication
YEAR: Year of publication
ACCESSION_ID: Unique identifier for each publication outcome
MULTIPLE_ENDPOINT_CLUSTERID: Whenever multiple plant traits were measured from the same plant at the same time, or when a single plant trait was measured from the same plant at different times, those outcomes received the same MULTIPLE_ENDPOINT_CLUSTERID
SHAREDCONTROL_CLUSTERID: Identifies the number of unique control groups within each study
TREATMENT: Treatment group
DUNG_BEETLE_SPECIES: Species of dung beetle/s present
FUNCTIONAL_GROUP: Dung beetle functional group
INDIVIDUAL_DUNG_BEETLE_DRY_MASS_IN_MG: Dry mass (mg) of the individual dung beetle
NUMBER_OF_BEETLES: Number of dung beetles
TOTAL_BEETLE_WEIGHT_IN_MG: Total weight (mg) of all dung beetles
SPECIES_RICHNESS: Total number of dung beetle species
PERCENTAGE_FEMALE_BEETLES: Percentage of beetles that are female
DAYS_OF_BEETLE_ACCESS: Number of days that beetles could access dung
BEETLES_CONFINED_TO_CAGE: If dung beetles were confined to a cage
POT_OR_PLOT_SIZE: Description of pot/plot size
SURFACE_AREA_CM_SQUARED: Pot/plot surface area (cm squared)
DUNG_QUANTITY_IN_GRAMS: Dung quantity (g)
DUNG_TYPE: Type of animal dung
DUNG_FROZEN_PRIOR_TO_ALIQUOTTING: If the dung was frozen prior to experimental use
DUNG_REMOVED_AFTER_BEETLE_ACTIVITY: If the dung was removed after beetle activity
PLANTS_GERMINATED_BEFORE_DUNG_ADDITION: If plants had germinated before dung addition
PLANT_TYPE: Life stage of plant
PLANT_TYPE2: Life stage of plant (and plant quantity)
PLANT_SPECIES: Plant species
CLADE: Plant clade
DAYS_OF_PLANT_GROWTH: Days of plant growth measured
RESPONSE_AREA: Area of plant measured
RESPONSE_MEASUREMENT: Plant measurement type
RESPONSE: Area and type of plant measurement
TREATMENT_N: Number of treatment replicates (sample size)
TREATMENT_MEAN: Mean of treatment replicates
TREATMENT_SD: Standard deviation of treatment replicates
TREATMENT_SE: Standard error of treatment replicates
CONTROL_TREATMENT: Control group that was compared to treatment group
CONTROL_N: Number of control replicates (sample size)
CONTROL_MEAN: Mean of control replicates
CONTROL_SD: Standard deviation of control replicates
CONTROL_SE: Standard error of control replicates
DATA_SOURCE: Source of the control and treatment measurement results
EXPERIMENT_SETTING: Experiment setting
EXPERIMENT_LOCATION: Experiment location
SOIL_TYPE: Soil type
NOTES: Additional notes
On 3rd November 2023, we conducted a literature search on the Scopus and Web of Science databases with the following search terms:
(("dung beetle*" OR scarabaei*) AND (herb* OR pasture OR plant* OR primary OR seedling*) AND (growth OR increase* OR product* OR yield))
From this literature search, we identified 26 studies (containing 677 study outcomes) that compared the difference in plant growth between areas with untouched dung (dung only) and areas with dung colonised solely by dung beetles (dung+beetles).
The reported results and experiment parameters from the 677 study outcomes were recorded in the meta_analysis_data.csv dataset.