Pairwise FST values for Aedes aegypti populations in Florida and southern California
Data files
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In the affiliated paper we compare likely the oldest populations of Aedes aegypti in continental North America with some of the newest to illuminate the range of genetic diversity and structure that can be found within the invasive range of this important disease vector. Aedes aegypti populations in Florida have likely persisted since the 1600-1700s, while populations in southern California derive from new invasions that occurred in the last ten years. For this comparison, we genotyped 1,193 individuals from 29 sites at 12 highly variable microsatellites and a subset of these individuals at 23,961 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). This dataset contains the pairwise FST values generated with both genetic datasets.
We calculated pairwise genetic differentiation (FST) for microsatellites in Genepop v. 1.1.4. and tested for significance using an exact conditional contingency-table test with the following parameters: 10,000 dememorizations, 500 batches, and 10,000 iterations per batch. We calculated FST for SNPs using the same method, and we used 1000 permutations to test for significance in Arlequin v. 3.5.
For full descriptions of the genetic markers, see the affiliated manuscript or Dryad datasets.
Usage notes
The significance (p-values) are shown in the top right portion of the matrices, and the pairwise FST values are shown in the bottom left portion. HS refers to highly significant. The second page of the microsatellite file contains a full list of the sites and their abbreviations.