Predator metamorphosis and its consequence for prey risk assessment
Data files
Mar 07, 2024 version files 30.74 KB
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Living with a diverse array of predators provides a significant challenge for prey to learn and retain information about each predator they encounter. Consequently, some prey respond to novel predators because they have previous experience with a perceptually similar predator species, a phenomenon known as generalization of predator recognition. However, it remains unknown whether prey can generalize learned responses across ontogenetic stages of predators. Using wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpole prey we conducted two experiments to explore the extent of predator generalization of different life stages of two different predators: (1) predacious diving beetles (Dytiscus sp.) and (2) tiger salamanders (Ambystoma mavortium). In both experiments, we used chemical alarm cues (i.e., injured conspecific cues) to condition tadpoles to recognize the odor of either the larval or adult stage of the predator as risky. One day later, we tested tadpoles with either the larval or adult predator odor to determine whether they generalized their learned responses to the other life stages of the predator. Tadpoles generalized between larval and adult beetle odors but failed to generalize between larval and adult salamander odors. These results suggest that the odor of some predator species changes during metamorphosis to an extent that reduces their recognisability by prey. This ‘predator identity reset’ increases the number of threats to which prey need to attend.
README: Predator metamorphosis and its consequence for prey risk assessment
Data provided here show the difference in antipredator response of wood frog tadpoles when tested with different ontogenetic stages of diving beetles and adult salamanders. Tadpoles learned to recognize both adult and larval beetles as risky after being conditioned to recognize one stage or the other. When conditioned to learn either larval or adult salamanders as risky, tadpoles showed antipredator response to only that life stage.
Description of the data and file structure
The file has two sheets. The first sheet is for experiment 1, where we evaluated beetle odor generalization between two ontogenetic stages by tadpoles. The second sheet is for experiment 2, where we evaluated salamander odor generalization between two ontogenetic stages by tadpoles.
You will find similar columns in both of the sheets.\
The columns are as follows:
- Column A: Pail is where the tadpoles were conditioned to learn a predator odor
- Column B: Clutch is used to identify the egg mass from which an individual tadpole was hatched
- Column C: Treatment represents the odor/water with which tadpoles were conditioned with to learn it as risky
- Column D: Cue is the odor/water that was used for testing tadpoles' response
- Column E: Pre represents the number of lines crossed by tadpoles before the test cue exposure during the testing phase
- Column F: Post represents the number of lines crossed by tadpoles after the test cue exposure during the testing phase
- Column G: Change is the difference between Pre and Post.