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Data related to: Open-system evolution of a crustal-scale magma column, Klamath Mountains, California


Granitic magmas commonly display evidence for some level of interaction with and/or origins from crustal rocks. There is fundamental debate in the community as to the processes that control the origins of these magmas and the potential for their contamination as they pass through the crust. One approach to addressing these issues involves a combination of detailed field mapping combined with geochemical analysis of bulk-rock samples and their constituent minerals. In particular, resolution of debates about magma origin(s) and contamination processes rely on U-Pb ages of zircon combined with isotopic data gathered from bulk-rock samples and from minerals such as zircon.

The data presented here consist of U-Pb, Hf, and oxygen isotope analyses of zircon crystals separated from a major plutonic complex in northern California: the Wooley Creek batholith and Slinkard pluton. In addition, data are presented for samples of the metamorphic rocks that host these intrusions and for xenoliths of these host rocks engulfed by the intrusions. These data are discussed in the above-mentioned manuscript. Generation of the data was supported by National Science Foundation grants EAR-0838342 to C. Barnes and A. Yoshinobu, EAR-0838546 to K. Chamberlain, and EAR-1524336 to J. Valley. The WiscSIMS isotope facility (oxygen isotope data) was supported by NSF grant EAR-1658823 and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Figure 1 illustrates the locations of plutonic samples analyzed.

Table 1 presents sample locations and rock types.

Tables 2–5 present U-Pb ages and Hf isotope data determined by laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry at the University of California-Santa Barbara.

Tables 6A–6E present U-Pb ages determined by SHRIMP-RG (sensitive high resolution ion microprobe-reverse geometry) at Stanford University.

Table 7 presents oxygen isotope (zircon) data determined by SIMS (secondary ion mass spectrometry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.