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Smart5Grid solutions for enhanced TSO grid observability and manageability in massive RES penetration environment


This work focuses on two Use Cases (UCs) of the Smart5Grid project (UC3 and UC4) and reports the raw data of their corresponding Network Applications: Run Time Energy Production Monitoring Predictive Maintenance (Enabler) for UC3 as well as virtual Phasor Data Concentrator (vPDC), Wide Area Monitoring (WAM), and Advisory (Enabler) for UC4. These Network Applications are developed by means of Grid Protection Alliance (GPA) open source software and GSF open source library. Another two GPA open source projects used for both UCs development are openPDC and openHistorian. Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 is the coding environment while C# и JavaScript are the programming languages engaged in the Use Cases 3&4 NetApp development process. Correspondingly, the services for both UCs are placed in Docker images that are used in Helm charts. These Helm charts are used to install the services in Kubernetes cluster, which runs Docker containers of the services in its cluster. Detailed video demonstrations of both use cases’ services are referred to in the results section of the associated manuscript.

Two reproducible and reusable raw data timeseries are shared: (1) realtime photovoltaic production monitoring using the UC3 NetApps (demo of distributed renewable resources monitoring), and (2) realtime virtual Phasor Data Concentrator as UC4 demonstrator(of Wide Area Monitoring of an interconnected power system via 400 kV tie line between Bulgaria and Greece). Both demostrators run on an innovative Smart5Grid Open Experimentation Platform building on 5G PPP and detailed in the associated article.