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Can native predators be used as a stepping stone to reduce prey naivety to novel predators?

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Oct 19, 2022 version files 37.55 KB


Predator naivety negatively affects reintroduction success and this threat is exacerbated when prey encounters predators with which they have had no evolutionary experience. While methods have been developed to inculcate fear into such predator-naïve individuals, none have been uniformly successful. Exposing ontogenetically- and evolutionary-naïve individuals firstly to native predators may be an effective stepping stone to improved responses to evolutionarily novel predators. We focused on greater bilbies (Macrotis lagotis) and capitalised on a multi-year mammalian recovery experiment whereby western quolls (Dasyurus geoffroii) were reintroduced into parts of a large fenced reserve that contained a population of naïve bilbies. We quantified a suite of antipredator behaviours and measures of general wariness across quoll-exposed and quoll-naive bilby populations. We then translocated both quoll-exposed and quoll-naïve individuals into a large enclosure that contained feral cats (Felis catus) and monitored several behaviours. We found that bilbies can respond appropriately to quolls but found only limited support that experience with quolls better prepared bilbies to respond to cats. Both populations of bilbies rapidly modified their behaviour in a similar manner following their reintroduction to a novel environment. These results may have emerged due to insufficient prior exposure to quolls, inappropriate behavioural tests or insufficient predation risk during cat exposure. Alternatively, quolls and cats are only distantly related and may not share sufficient similarities in their predatory cues or behaviour to support such a learning transfer. Testing this stepping stone hypothesis with more closely-related predator species and under higher predation risk would be informative.