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Tahoe rain or snow precipitation phase observations

Data files

Mar 24, 2023 version files 718.51 KB


These data include observations of rain, snow, and mixed precipitation from the Tahoe Rain or Snow citizen science project. Included with each observation is a set of ancillary variables, including latitude and longitude, elevation, modeled meteorological data, and additional info. Please see the metadata file for the description and units of each data column.

For more info, please see Jennings et al. (2023) and Arienzo et al. (2021):

  • Jennings, Keith S., Monica M. Arienzo, Meghan Collins, Benjamin Hatchett, Anne W. Nolin, and Graeme Aggett. "Crowdsourced Data Highlight Precipitation Phase Partitioning Variability in Rain-Snow Transition Zone." Earth and Space Science (2023).
  • Arienzo, Monica M., Meghan Collins, and Keith S. Jennings. "Enhancing engagement of citizen scientists to monitor precipitation phase." Frontiers in Earth Science 9 (2021): 617594. 

For the code used to process these data: